Tidligere arrangementer
Title: Overshooting climate targets - Increased risks for tipping elements
Speaker: Nico Wunderling, Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research
Title: Meso-scale and submeso-scale dynamics and mixing in geophysical flows
Speaker: Sridhar Balasubramanian, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay
Title: Designing droplet-fiber interactions to improve water harvesting capacity of fog nets
Speaker: Andreas Carlson, University of Oslo
Workshop at University of Oslo
Join us in exploring how green energy and digital solutions can work together to build a sustainable future.
During this webinar, we will present the final results of the work undertaken in the Ocean Grid research project in relation to regulatory conditions.
DoPE Workshop will take place on the 12th-13th of December 2024.
Are you curious about the Sandpit program? Join a webinar led by Samantha Aspinall, Head of the Sandpit Program from the University of Leeds.
Welcome to our "open house"; a day full of updates on RITMO's research activities.
We will gather a group of scientists, artists, and engineers interested in ventilation systems.
?rets utdanningskonferanse arrangeres 28. november. For program og p?melding g? inn p? arrangementsiden.
Universitetet i Oslo ?nsker velkommen til MONS 20.
Join this hands-on workshop to learn the essentials of crafting clear, engaging scientific posters.
As part of The Future of Energy conference in January 2025, master’s students, PhD students, and postdoctoral researchers are invited to present their posters and compete for the Best Poster Prize!
The war in Ukraine continues at full intensity, and the country's energy systems are under constant attack. As an energy nation, Norway has a special responsibility to support. The University of Oslo invites you to a discussion with Norwegian and Ukrainian experts to explore how we can contribute to Ukraine's energy security and long-term development.
H?stkonferansen tar for seg arbeidskraftsbehov og omstilling vi st?r overfor fremover. Hva vil kreves av oss og hva kan vi f? til med de midlene vi har tilgjengelig?
Join us for an evening with short talks from young researchers. Grab some snacks and learn about exciting research in sustainable energy and the energy transition. This event is open to everyone - bring friends and family for an evening of interesting talks from inspiring scientists.
Since 2019, the term climate anxiety has increasingly appeared in the academic literature and popular discourse, coinciding with the uprise of youth climate activism. In this talk, I will present results from a survey investigating public perceptions of and reactions to the term and discuss potential explanations for the findings. Knowledge of how people perceive psychological buzzwords, such as climate anxiety, is important because it could influence their willingness to self-report this state, their views of the people associated with it, and how they believe society should respond to them.
Kick-off workshop for the HF Strategic Research Priorities Project 'Communication with Large Language Models' (2024-2028).
The goal of the seminar is to drive the discussion on a participatory and collaborative transition of the smart grid.
Curious about the impact of PhD and early career researchers from a Norwegian Research Centre on Zero Emission Energy Systems for Transport? Please join us for an open meeting the day before the FME MoZEES Final Conference.
Join us for the virtual, national launch of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change, celebrating the release of the 2024 report and discussing key findings and priorities for Norway.
31. oktober og 1. november 2024 arrangeres for 14. gang LAR-konferansen – sentralt i Oslo p? Radisson Blu Scandinavia.
Welcome to HEI's annual International Student Conference!
This conference unites early career researchers in both formal and informal settings, providing a platform to explore the latest developments in the field of heritage studies.
Velkommen til HEIs internasjonale studentkonferanse, 24.–25. oktober 2024
The era of fossil fuels made possible the twentieth-century idea of ‘the economy’ and its ‘growth’. But what is growth? And how did we come to believe that burning fossil fuels created a collective world whose nature has been to grow?
Geologen Victor Moritz Goldschmidt er internasjonalt anerkjent som grunnleggeren av moderne geokjemi. Velkommen til et seminar om hans virke og innsats for vitenskapen og samfunnet.
NOITS (The Nordic International Trade Seminars) will take place on the 10th and 11th of October 2024. The NOITS 2024 conference is hosted by the University of Oslo and has received funding from INNOPROD project and from the European Research Council (ERC) under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme (grant agreement No 101141494).
Seminar for RITMO Centre for Interdisciplinary Studies in Rhythm, Time and Motion (University of Oslo), Centre of Excellence in Music, Mind, Body and Brain (University of Jyv?skyl?), and Center for Music in the Brain (Aarhus University).
Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? Topic: Artificial intelligence in life sciences and energy. The conference was a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2024.
The 6th NordBatt conference will take place between the 24th-27th of September 2024 in Oslo, Norway.
Helse?konomimilj?ene i Norge inviterer til presentasjoner og diskusjoner om dagsaktuelle helsepolitiske problemstillinger. Slik som ventetider; beslutningsusikkerhet i ?konomisk evaluering; perspektiv og prioriteringer; allmennlegetjenesten; fedme, Alzheimers og nye behandlinger.
We welcome all scientists interested in participating in an UiO:Energy and Environments' Convergence Environment application to register for a joint information meeting and speed-dating event.
RITMO and DjembeDance will host the Third Symposium of the ICTMD study group on Sound, Movement, and the Sciences (SoMoS).
The Centre for Molecular Medicine Norway, NCMM, will host the 13th Nordic EMBL Partnership meeting in September 2024 in Oslo.
Welcome to the symposium ?Extraction and Aesthetics: Pasts, Currents, Futures? at the J?ssingfjord Science Museum. The symposium is organized by the research project “How Norway Made the World Whiter” (NorWhite) in collaboration with Velferden Center for Contemporary Art.
Det tredje nasjonale matematikerm?tet avholdes i Oslo i september 2024.
Dr Anne Larigauderie utnevnes til ?resdoktor ved UiO, og vil i den anledning holde forelesning.
Welcome to the closing conference for the Norwegian Research Council FRIPRO research project “Global Trout: Investigating Environmental Change through More-than-Human World Systems”
SCV conference 2024, remembering Nils ?vrelid
Sustainable Policy Workshop will take place on the 24th of June 2024.
IST 2024 is hosted by the TIK Centre for technology, innovation and culture at the University of Oslo, in collaboration with SINTEF, the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), the INTRANSIT and NTRANS research centers and the Western Norway University of Applied Sciences.
An interdisciplinary workshop exploring themes related to the philosophy of communication, University of Oslo
Individual perceptions and experiences, rituals, institutions, and the law.
?rets v?rkonferanse vil ta for seg kunstig intelligens. Hvordan kan offentlig sektor bruke KI p? en smart og trygg m?te? Hvilken kompetanse trenger vi?
Welcome to the third Norwegian meeting on PDEs!
Hvordan p?virkes naturen av krig? Arrangementet er p? Klimahuset i Naturhistorisk museum p? T?yen og holdes p? engelsk.
This workshop is part of QOMBINE, a cross-disciplinary project between mathematics, chemistry, and physics focusing on the mathematics for quantum computation. In this spirit, we want to bring together researchers with different backgrounds including quantum error correction, the quantification of decoherence, quantum Shannon theory and operator algebras. We hope that this will allow for discussions across disciplines leading to interesting new perspectives and collaborations on these topics.
The funding period for our second generation convergence environment is coming to an end and we invite you to a pleasant gathering where we will hear the researchers' own experiences from being in a convergence environment. Welcome to join us celebrating their achievements.
The 5th Scandinavian Gathering Around Remarkable Discrete Mathematics
Taking the twenty-fifth anniversary of the publication of Pascale Casanova’s field-defining La République mondiale des lettres (The World Republic of Letters, 1999) as its point of departure, this conference seeks to decentralize the praxis of cultural reading and literary critique that the notion of Paris as the world capital of literature represents. Drawing inspiration from a host of decolonial projects that seek to renegotiate the terms in which we understand the world—a process that Walter Mignolo terms “epistemic delinking”—we seek to examine trans-peripheral and counter-hegemonic cultural infrastructures that flourished despite, in resistance to, and in the aftermath of colonial domination. This project is historical, but also oriented toward the present and, crucially, dedicated to rethinking the epistemic assumptions that undergird the study of literature and associated forms of cultural production in the present.
The AtLAST conference will be held in-person in Mainz, Germany, from 21 to 24 May 2024.
Vi i prosjektet ?Sakkyndiges Arbeid som Bevis i Barnevernssaker (SABB)? (Experts? reports as evidence in child protection cases) er glade for ? kunne arrangere ?rets konferanse den 7. mai hvor vi setter s?kelyset p? barna og den private part. Her m?tes praktikere fra feltet, byr?krater, forskere og ikke minst brukere av tjenestene.
Konferansen er for deg som er opptatt av ? beskytte samfunnet, infrastrukturen og mennesker mot de stadig t?ffere klimautfordringene.
A two-day conference at the University of Oslo, on the publication of the anthology The Poverty of Anti-realism: Critical Perspectives on Postmodernist Philosophy of History.
The purpose of this workshop is to bring together communities in dynamical systems, harmonic analysis and operator algebras whose research relates to point sets in Euclidean space and general locally compact groups.
International Conference
Join us for the first NoRMAS meeting aimed at fostering collaboration and advancing research in the field of astronomy at long wavelengths, i.e infrared, (sub)millimeter and radio.
Det ?rlige m?tepunktet for alle som arbeider med formidling og utstillinger p? museum. ?rets tema: Medvirkning.
University of Oslo and University of Gothenburg invite to an informal workshop within machine learning with a focus on statistical aspects related to Machine Learning.
Det ?rlige m?tepunktet for alle som arbeider med formidling og utstillinger p? museum. ?rets tema: Relevans.
The Cultural Heritage Day is a day for dialogue and inspiration for everyone who studies and works with cultural heritage.
Kulturarvsdagen er en dag for dialog og til inspirasjon for alle som studerer og arbeider med kulturarv og kulturminner.
Hei du! Lurer du p? hva du skal bli? Bli med p? inspirasjonsdagen og h?r hva studenter innen biologi, psykologi, farmasi, ern?ring, odontologi og medisin forteller fra sine fag. Gratis arrangement.
The one day symposium is an annual networking event that brings together Norwegian and invited international experts to present their research and to discuss latest developments in the field of microphysiological systems, organoids and organ-on-chip technology.
This year's Darwin Day event will cover the impact of ancient DNA and the enabling technologies. Open lectures by Anders G?therstr?m, Greger Larson, Christina Warinner, and Phil Slavin.
Phase tropical surfaces can appear as a limit of a 1-parameter family of smooth complex algebraic surfaces. A phase tropical surface admits a stratified fibration over a smooth tropical surface. We study the real structures compatible with this fibration and give a description in terms of tropical cohomology. As an application, we deduce combinatorial criteria for the type of a real structure of a phase tropical surface.
Phase tropical surfaces can appear as a limit of a 1-parameter family of smooth complex algebraic surfaces. A phase tropical surface admits a stratified fibration over a smooth tropical surface. We study the real structures compatible with this fibration and give a description in terms of tropical cohomology. As an application, we deduce combinatorial criteria for the type of a real structure of a phase tropical surface.
Phase tropical surfaces can appear as a limit of a 1-parameter family of smooth complex algebraic surfaces. A phase tropical surface admits a stratified fibration over a smooth tropical surface. We study the real structures compatible with this fibration and give a description in terms of tropical cohomology. As an application, we deduce combinatorial criteria for the type of a real structure of a phase tropical surface.
In 1962 Ehrhart proved that the number of lattice points in integer dilates of a lattice polytope is given by a polynomial — the Ehrhart polynomial of the polytope. Since then Ehrhart theory has developed into a very active area of research at the intersection of combinatorics, geometry and algebra.
The Ehrhart polynomial encodes important information about the polytope such as its volume and the dimension. An important tool to study Ehrhart polynomials is the h*-polynomial, a linear transform of the Ehrhart polynomial which is given by the numerator of the generating series. By a famous theorem of Stanley the coefficients of the h*-polynomial are always nonnegative integers. In this talk, we discuss generalizations of this result to weighted lattice point enumeration in rational polytopes where the weight function is given by a polynomial. In particular, we show that Stanley’s Nonnegativity Theorem continues to hold if the weight is a sum of products of linear forms that a nonnegative over the polytope. This is joint work with Esme Bajo, Robert Davis, Jesús De Loera, Alexey Garber, Sofía Garzón Mora and Josephine Yu.
In 1962 Ehrhart proved that the number of lattice points in integer dilates of a lattice polytope is given by a polynomial — the Ehrhart polynomial of the polytope. Since then Ehrhart theory has developed into a very active area of research at the intersection of combinatorics, geometry and algebra.
The Ehrhart polynomial encodes important information about the polytope such as its volume and the dimension. An important tool to study Ehrhart polynomials is the h*-polynomial, a linear transform of the Ehrhart polynomial which is given by the numerator of the generating series. By a famous theorem of Stanley the coefficients of the h*-polynomial are always nonnegative integers. In this talk, we discuss generalizations of this result to weighted lattice point enumeration in rational polytopes where the weight function is given by a polynomial. In particular, we show that Stanley’s Nonnegativity Theorem continues to hold if the weight is a sum of products of linear forms that a nonnegative over the polytope. This is joint work with Esme Bajo, Robert Davis, Jesús De Loera, Alexey Garber, Sofía Garzón Mora and Josephine Yu.
In this talk we define a new category of matroids, by working on matroid polytopes and rank preserving weak maps. This lets us introduce the concept of categorical valuativity for functors, which can be seen as a categorification of the ordinary valuativity for matroid invariants.
We also show that this new theory agrees with what we know about valuative polynomials: several known valuative polynomials can be seen as a Hilbert series of some graded vector space and we prove that these graded vector spaces let us define a valuative functor in the new sense.
Lastly, we sketch how to categorify a Theorem by Ardila and Sanchez, which states that the convolution of two valuative invariants (respectively, valuative functors) is again valuative.
This is based on a joint ongoing project with Ben Elias, Dane Miyata and Nicholas Proudfoot.
In this talk we define a new category of matroids, by working on matroid polytopes and rank preserving weak maps. This lets us introduce the concept of categorical valuativity for functors, which can be seen as a categorification of the ordinary valuativity for matroid invariants.
We also show that this new theory agrees with what we know about valuative polynomials: several known valuative polynomials can be seen as a Hilbert series of some graded vector space and we prove that these graded vector spaces let us define a valuative functor in the new sense.
Lastly, we sketch how to categorify a Theorem by Ardila and Sanchez, which states that the convolution of two valuative invariants (respectively, valuative functors) is again valuative.
This is based on a joint ongoing project with Ben Elias, Dane Miyata and Nicholas Proudfoot.
In this talk we define a new category of matroids, by working on matroid polytopes and rank preserving weak maps. This lets us introduce the concept of categorical valuativity for functors, which can be seen as a categorification of the ordinary valuativity for matroid invariants.
We also show that this new theory agrees with what we know about valuative polynomials: several known valuative polynomials can be seen as a Hilbert series of some graded vector space and we prove that these graded vector spaces let us define a valuative functor in the new sense.
Lastly, we sketch how to categorify a Theorem by Ardila and Sanchez, which states that the convolution of two valuative invariants (respectively, valuative functors) is again valuative.
This is based on a joint ongoing project with Ben Elias, Dane Miyata and Nicholas Proudfoot.
Join us for two days of activities and discussions about how we can make our digital products circular through design, repair, and regulation.
- On Thursday, January 25, from 12-16: open house with poster exhibition, taking laptops and mobile phones apart, materials library, and energy visualisation. No registration needed.
- On Friday, January 26, from 10:30-14:30: panel discussions on repair of IT equipment at the University of Oslo and the regulation of repair in Norway, Sweden, and the EU. Please register here if you will participate online (not needed when you participate in person).
We prepared for the seminar a brochure with environmental data on different repair scenarios for mobile phone and laptop, which can be downloaded here.
Konferansen tar utgangspunkt i rapporten fra Frontfagsmodellutvalget, som ble overlevert til finansminister Trygve Slagsvold Vedum 15. desember 2023.
The workshop will bring together leading specialists in modeling roughness and long-range dependence in a cozy Nordic atmosphere in the center of Oslo close to the seafront.
Welcome to this Oslo Science City Arena event hosted by the University of Oslo. Together we build the future of energy.
Oslo Stability and Enumerative Geometry Workshop 2023
SCV conference 2023, remembering Berit Stens?nes.
We invite you to a two day seminar celebrating Nils Lid Hjort's significant and extensive contributions in statistics.
Watch the recording of the national launch of the Lancet Countdown on Health and Climate Change. The event was a celebration of the release of the 2023 report and discussed key findings and priorities for Norway.
This is a conference to celebrate the life and achievements of Prof. Eyólfur Kjalar Emilsson on the occasion of his 70th birthday.
On November 21-23 the Integreat team and partners convened for the first-ever kick-off meeting at the historic T?yen Hovedg?rd in Oslo. The event marked a crucial milestone for the Integreat community and served as an opportunity to articulate common goals, define the purpose of upcoming projects, and facilitate team building.
As we bid farewell to 2023 and welcome the first hints of winter, we invite you to take part in "The Winds of STORM" workshop!
?rets h?stkonferanse vil omhandle helhetlig tenkning rundt krise- og beredskapsarbeid. Hvordan adressere og l?se kriser p? en mer koordinert og helhetlig m?te til nytte for samfunnet?
30-31 October 2023, Oslo, Norway.
The symposium is a follow-up of six highly successful previous DNVA-RSE Norway-Scotland Symposia. Topics of this year's symposium include: Water Waves and Internal Waves, and the widened scope to include the following multi- and inter-disciplinary marine topics: Hydrodynamic processes in the coastal ocean and fjords, Microbial processes, Robotics for observations in the ocean, Corals and plankton, and Arctic-related problems.
Conference on private lives and sociality in a digital era.
Welcome to HEI's annual International Student Conference! This conference unites early career researchers in both formal and informal settings, providing a platform to explore the latest developments in the field of heritage studies.
Velkommen til HEIs internasjonale studentkonferanse, 19–20 oktober 2023!
This mini-symposium presents current cutting-edge research in immunology, neurobiology, and cancer performed using cryo-electron microscopy and related techniques. Event will be live-streamed.
The conference is an occasion to bring together researchers in the beautiful Hammamet to discuss on the recent developments in stochastics with applications to mathematical physics and finance.
An event dedicated to the memory of Habib Ouerdiane.
Hva er effekten av Ukraina-krigen p? omstillingen mot et ikke-fossilt energisystem? Og hvor effektiv er egentlig bruken av energi som politisk ?v?pen??
Hvordan sikrer vi at digitaliseringen forsterker, og ikke undergraver, gr?nn omstilling?
Spend a day with great science, innovation and networking opportunities at this meeting place for academia, the institute sector, the public sector, start-ups and industry.? The innovation conference had sessions on life sciences and energy & environment and was a part of Oslo Innovation Week 2023. The next conference is held 25 September 2024 as part of Oslo Innovation Week 2024.
Syv forskere fra CIENS-instituttene har syv minutter hver p? ? fortelle hvordan hensyn til natur, klima og energi kan forenes.