Tidligere arrangementer - Side 118
Thierry Coupez is professor at Mines - Paristech
Nigel Cutland (Uni. York) holder et seminar med tittelen: An infinitesimal introduction to DEs driven by rough paths
Steffen Sjursen, CMA, holder et seminar med tittelen: On chaos representation and orthogonal polynomials for the doubly stochastic Poisson process
Kukatharmini Tharmaratnam (Department of Mathematics, University of Oslo) will talk about
Monotone splines lasso
Dana Williams, Dartmouth College (USA) will talk on "Equivalence theorems and linking groupoids".
We will take a look at ideas for Mechanics Academy (MA), a freely-accessible web-based resource for anyone aiming to learn mechanics.
Harish Narayanan is at SIMULA.
Levon Pogosian, Vancouver/DAMT-Cambridge
Friday seminar by Sergey Gavrilets (NOTE THE TIME AND VENUE)
Dr. Eduard Kontar, University of Glasgow (Scotland)
- life on small scales in the oceans
Earth Flows seminar | Talk by Hans Pécseli
Torstein Nilssen, CMA, holder et seminar med tittelen: Noise Prevents Singularities in Linear Transport Equations
Thordis Thorarinsdottir (Norwegian Computing Center) will talk about
Proper scoring rules and divergences to evaluate weather and climate models
Friday seminar by Tucker Gilman (NOTE THE TIME AND VENUE)
Alv Egeland, professor emeritus, Fysisk Institutt
Alex Lenkoski (Norwegian Computing Center and Statistics for Innovation) will talk about
Hierarchical Gaussian Graphical Models: Reversible Jump and Beyond
Are Raklev, f?rsteamanuensis, Fysisk institutt, UiO.
Rüdiger Kiesel,Uni. Essen/CMA, holder et seminar med tittelen: Model Risk for Energy Markets
Hsiao-Hsuan Lin, post doc. ved Institutt for teoretisk astrofysikk, UiO
Abstract: We introduce the notion of Arakelov motivic cohomology, and discuss the beautiful reformulation (due to Jakob Scholbach) of the Beilinson conjectures on special values of L-functions.
Andre Suess, Uni. Barcelona, holder et seminar med tittelen: Integration theory for infinite dimensional processes
Nils Detering, Frankfurt School of Finance and Management, holder et seminar med tittelen: Measuring the model risk of contingent claims
Peder ?stbye (Simonsen Advokatfirma) will talk about
Econometrical and statistical models in competition law evidence assessments
Friday seminar by Reiichiro Nakamichi