Tidligere arrangementer - Side 108
Eva Leu (Akvaplan-NIVA)
Eduard Ortega, NTNU, will give a talk with title: Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorems
Abstract: I will make a little survey about Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorems and how they help to the study of the ideal structure of the rings to which one can apply them. In certain classes of (C*-)algebras this is described as topologically freeness or condition (L). However they are important classes of rings for which are not known Cuntz-Krieger type theorems. I will present a class of rings, that generalize Leavitt path algebras and Passman crossed products, for which I can totally characterize the Cuntz-Krieger uniqueness theorem.
Friday seminar by Vadim B. Fedorov from University of Alaska Fairbanks
Ann-Cecilie Larsen, Post.doc., Dep. of Physics/SAFE, University of Oslo
Parameter-robust finite element discretization and its preconditioning for Biot's consolidation model in poroelasticity
Erik Bédos will give a talk with title: On the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra of a C*-dynamical system
Abstract: When G is a discrete group, its Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(G) may be described as the set of coefficient functions associated with unitary representations of G on Hilbert spaces. In a similar way, if Sigma=(A, G, alpha, sigma) is a unital discrete twisted C*-dynamical system, one may let the Fourier-Stieltjes algebra B(Sigma) consist of the functions from G x A into A that arise as coefficient functions of equivariant representations of Sigma on Hilbert A-modules. We will explain how B(Sigma) may be organized as an algebra with conjugation, and show that it may be represented as completely bounded multipliers on the full crossed product C*(Sigma). (This is also known to be true for the reduced crossed product). This is part of an ongoing project with Roberto Conti (Rome).
Carl Henrik G?rbitz, Professor - Kjemisk institutt
Arvid Siqveland, H?gskolen i Buskerud og Vestfold, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Modular curves V
These are the fifth and and the sixth lectures given by Anders Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on Compressed sensing - Theory and Applications.
These are the third and fourth lectures given by Anders Hansen (Cambridge Univ. and UiO) on Compressed sensing - Theory and Applications.
ESOP holds an informal ESOP mini-workshop on Norms, Conflict and Development.
Friday seminar by Frietson Galis from Naturalis Biodiversity Center, The Netherlands
Signe Riemer-S?rensen, ITA
Professor Berit Smestad Paulsen retired from her position at the School of Pharmacy December 31st 2014. The School of Pharmacy will organize a scientific symposium in order to honor and appreciate her. The symposium will be organized on Friday March 20th 2015.
Increased Ca2+ affinity of the myofilaments increases mitochondrial ROS production – a disease mechanism in cardiomyopathies?
Signaling via non-canonical cyclic nucleotides.
Fredrik Meyer, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Modular curves IV
Olav Breivik (Dept. of Math., UiO ) gives a seminar in room 107, 1st floor N.H. Abels House at 14:15 March 17th: Bycatch of juvenile cod in the Barents Sea shrimp fishery
Katrine Borg?, AQUA
Friday seminar by Miriam Maas from the National Institute for Public Health and the Environment, The Netherlands.
Line Drube, German Aerospace Center Institute of Planetary Research
Arne B. Sletsj?e, UiO, gives the Seminar in Algebra and Algebraic Geometry:
Modular curves III
Sam Sanders, Ghent and Munich, will give a lecture with the tittle
On the contingency of predicativism.
Franz Luef (NTNU) will give a talk with title "Sigma-models solitons on noncommutative spaces"
Abstract: Results from time-frequency analysis and Gabor analysis allow the construction of new classes of sigma-model solitons over the Moyal plane and over noncommutative tori, taken as source spaces, with a target space made of two points. A natural action functional leads to self-duality equations for projections in the source algebra. Solutions, having non-trivial topological content, are constructed via suitable Morita duality bimodules. This is joint work with L. Dabrowski and G. Landi.