Drop-in digital course in Leganto (in English) Wednesday March 22.

Are you new to Leganto? Do you have experience with Leganto, but have questions? Welcome to the digital course in Leganto.


The course is open to both academic and administrative staff and is led by experienced staff from the University of Oslo Library and the Department of Education Services.

When and Where:

ZOOM: https://uio.zoom.us/j/61251210149?pwd=SWp6aFJXTWdFWTZGbGdMUVcyeDJTdz09

Wednesday, March 22., 10:00-11:30


Drop-in, no need to sign up.


Contact your faculty coordinator or pensumliste-hjelp@admin.uio.no.

Publisert 9. mars 2023 11:54 - Sist endret 9. mars 2023 11:55