Introduction to R and RStudio

Introduction to R and RStudio for anyone wishing to get started using R for data analysis and statistics. This course is taught in English. It will not be possible to follow the course through Zoom. 

The course is three times two hours, and is taught over three days.

Day 1: Tuesday 13. September 10:15 - 12:00, Ole Johan Dahls hus seminar room Java (2423)

Day 2: Wednesday 14. September 10:15 - 12:00, Ole Johan Dahls hus seminar room Java (2423)

Day 3: Thursday 15. September 10:15 - 12:00, Ole Johan Dahls hus seminar room Java (2423)

Bildet kan inneholde: bygning, t?rn, hus, kunst, urbant design.


A brief introduction to data science and statistics in R and RStudio. 


  • Become familiar with the different menus and options that you have in R and RStudio
  • Learn how data is handled and represented in R
  • How to write data directly into R, and how to import different types of data files
  • Recode variables and calculate new variables based on raw data
  • Present data using graphs
  • Descriptive statistics, i.e. describe a data set using measures such as mean, standard deviation, median, skewness, etc., and know what these mean and how they should be interpreted
  • Learn how to efficiently document what you do in R/RStudio, both for the sake of reproducibility, but also to make your own work more efficient

Target audience

Researchers and graduate students who wish to get started with R/RStudio. Basic knowledge of research methods and statistics is an advantage, but not a requirement.


The course lasts six hours in total, and is taught over three days.

Signing up

In order to participate in this course, you need to have a valid user account at the University of Oslo (username and password). Sign up here! The course is full. Sign up for the waiting list.

Important: Participants need to have their own laptop with both R and RStudio installed. Both R and RStudio are free. R can be downloaded from and RStudio from The course is taught in a regular seminar room, not a computer lab. It is recommended  that you bring a power cord for your own device. If you need help installing R and/or RStudio, contact local IT in your department. If you cannot install R and RStudio on your own computer, use UiO Programkiosk.


Anne S. Bergsaker, PhD

Number of participants


Contact information

If you have any questions about the course, send us an email:

Links to course material

Publisert 10. aug. 2022 09:36 - Sist endret 15. sep. 2022 13:58