Tidligere arrangementer - Side 26

Tid og sted: , Room 301, Faculty of Theology

Identifying and handling ethical dimensions of  one's own PhD project.

Tid og sted: , Auditoriuam U40, domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Room 301, Faculty of Theology

Case studies relating to research ethics.

Tid og sted: , Auditorium 2 in Kristine Bonnevies House at Blindernveien 31, 0371 Oslo

UiO:Doc is proud to present an inspirational lecture by Pamela von Sabljar, experienced lecturer and coach, for enhancing employability, self-awareness and development in an ever-changing and complex world.

Tid og sted: , room 301, Faculty of Theology

Theories and methods in the discipline of ethics.  

Tid og sted: , Room 301, Faculty of Theology

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Room 305, Faculty of Theology

The Graveyard Governed: Comparing the (religious) governance of Muslim and humanist burial needs in theory and practice in the Netherlands, Norway and France

Tid og sted: , room 205, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Escape

UiODoc is pleased to invite all PhD candidates, Postdocs, and other temporary researchers to a public screening of "On Being a Scientist”, a fictional movie about research integrity.

We will provide FREE pizza, and affordable beverages in the bar at Escape.

Please RSVP via nettskjema before the 24th of October so that we can secure plenty of pizza!

Tid og sted: , Aud. U40, Blindernveien 9

?rets Jervell- og alumniseminar handler om menneskesyn og kristen etikk i m?te med transhumanisme og bioteknologi.

Tid og sted: , Faculty of Theology

The seminar is hosted by professor Marianne Bjelland Kartzow and associate professor Elisabeth Tveito Johansen.

Tid og sted: , PC-stue 309, Teologisk fakultet.

Bibliotekskurs med bibliotekar Svein Helge Birkeflet.

Tid og sted: , Rom 305, Det teologiske fakultet
Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

The theme is text, canon and interpretation, and we will read texts by Anders Klostergaard Petersen.

Breakfast, coffee and tea will be served.

Registration is not required, but please let us know that you are coming due to food and beverages by Friday Sept. 15th, noon, l.o.bergsjo@teologi.uio.no


Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

Autoritet og kanondannelse er temaet for dette frokostm?tet, hvor vi tar utgangspunkt i to tekster av Anders Klostergaard Petersen.

For mer informasjon om tekstene, se ATTR research group

En enkel frokost, kaffe og te serveres. Det er ikke p?melding, men av hensyn til serveringen ber vi om beskjed om du kommer innen fredag 15. kl 12.00 til l.o.bergsjo@teologi.uio.no

Samtalen foreg?r p? engelsk.

Vel m?tt!

Tid og sted: , 205, Faculty of Theology

Thesis project design seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , 305, Faculty of Theology

Orientation for new PhD candidates

Tid og sted: , Room 214, Faculty of Theology
Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , 305, Faculty of Theology

PhD presentation seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Room 304, Domus Theologica

Monthly seminar with Diana Edelman

Tid og sted: , Abels utsikt, Niels Henrik Abel Hus (12th floor)

All UiO PhD candidates, Postdocs, and other interested people are cordially invited to UiODoc’s 2017 annual General Assembly (GA). After the meeting we will hold a social event with free tapas.

Tid og sted: , Room 214, Domus Theologica

The theme is Text and Media, and we will read an excerpt of John D. Peters The Marvelous Clouds. Towards a Philosophy of Elemental Media, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2015B

Breakfast, coffee and tea will be served.

Registration is not required, but please let us know that you are coming due to food and beverages by Monday April 24, noon, to l.o.bergsjo@teologi.uio.no


Tid og sted: , Room 214, Domus Theologica

Temaet denne gangen er tekst og media, og vi leser utdrag av John D. Peters The Marvelous Clouds. Towards a Philosophy of Elemental Media, Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 2015

Vi serverer frokost, kaffe og te.

Det er ikke p?melding, men av hensyn til serveringen ber vi om beskjed om du kommer innen mandag 24. kl 12.00 til l.o.bergsjo@teologi.uio.no

Samtalen foreg?r p? engelsk.

For mer informasjon om tekster, se ATTR research group

Vel m?tt!

Tid og sted: , Helga Engs Hus

In collaboration with UiODoc, the Association of Doctoral Organisations in Norway (SiN) is hosting the Eurodoc 2017 conference titled “Open Science – Challenges and Opportunities for Early Career Researchers” at the University of Oslo. On behalf of The European Council of Doctoral Candidates and Junior Researchers, we would like to invite everyone interested in science to be part of a discussion to help shape the future of scientific practice. PhD candidates and postdocs from sponsoring universities get free entry to the conference.