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Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World
The lecture: Guests, Gods, Heroes and Heirarchs: The Fragrant Few of Mycenaean Pylos is presented by Dr. Mary Jane Cuyler, MF Norwegian School of Theology, Religion and Society, Oslo, Norway
In this year's November edition of the PhD and Postdoc Breakfast Club, Karoline Moe will give a presentation on how to improve your poster-making skills.?
As of late October, we are all once again told to work from home as much as practically possible. But how does this affect us, and what can we do about it?
Analytical and writing skills seminar.
Bli med oss og snakk om hvordan vi kan skape gode og faglige diskusjoner og 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i undervisningen ved ? fokusere p? bruken av sm?grupper.
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Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World
The lecture: Masculinity and beauty in Mesopotamia is presented by Dr. Omar N’Shea, Senior Lecturer, University of Malta
New perspectives on Luther and Philosophy, including critical receptions of Luther and the Reformation in contemporary philosophy, has been a topic of considerable discussion over the last years.
Women Researchers in Informatics (WRI) in collaboration with UiODoc are hosting the webinar Preparation for Academic Jobs after PhD. The webinar will be an informative series of talks providing attending PhDs and PostDocs with the means to prepare themselves for interviews for the next positions within academia and beyond. You will also learn about the evaluation process for postdoc and faculty positions, including the interview phase. The webinar consists of two talks and a panel discussion with space for the participants to ask questions.
Due to corona-related travel restrictions the Mowinckel lecture and Mowinckel seminar have been postponed until the fall of 2021. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.
The first part of the lecture proposes a brief presentation of the recent scholarly discussion about the Abraham narrative, pointing out that pre-priestly traditions can only be identified in quite a few texts, which can hardly be read as a cohesive narrative. Based on literary and historical observations.
Due to corona-related travel restrictions the Mowinckel lecture and Mowinckel seminar have been postponed until the fall of 2021. A new date will be announced as soon as possible.
The lecture will focus on the importance of the Ark (of God, of Yhwh, of the Covenant) in the Hebrew Bible and more specifically on the so-called Ark narrative in the books of Samuel.
Pitching - a short persuasive presentation - is an essential skill for both arguing for your research and landing your next job. In this breakfast talk by Alan Louis Belardinelli, we will gain new insights into how to pitch yourself for employers.
Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World
The lecture: Gender and Beauty in the Hebrew Bible is presented by Dr. Hanna Tervanotko, McMaster University, Canada
A seminar for PhD studens within the fields of the Humanities, Law and Theology. The seminar is free of charge, and travel expenses will be covered. The application deadline is September 1, 2020.
Det teologiske fakultet inviterer til avskjedsseminar for professor Trygve Wyller.
Analytical and writing skills seminar.
?rets Jervell- og alumniseminar vil naturligvis ble preget av korona-pandemien. Samtidig vil vi rette oppmerksomheten mot problemstillinger som ikke bare ang?r akkurat denne pandemien, men mot sp?rsm?l prester alltid m? forholde seg til: avmakten overfor lidelsen og d?den, tilv?relsens rammer og det kristne h?pet.
October 10 is the World Mental Health Day! In relation to that, UiODoc will host two online events on Zoom in the same week focuing on mental health for PhDs and Postdocs.
First, on October 14, we'll have a talk by the senior adviser Kristine Moll?-Christensen at UiO'S Occupational Health Service. Next up, on October 16, is an interactive event with psychologist Maria Abrahamsen ?sthassel, known from her social media accounts @PsyktDeg.
Alle har behov for ? bli sett. Det ? bli sett gir en f?lelse av ? h?re til og v?re viktig. Tilh?righet er grunnleggende for god psykisk helse.
PhD course on Theory and Method: Hermeneutics, Methodology and Philosophy of Science
Ancient Attraction is a Digital Lecture Series on Beauty, Attractiveness and Sex Appeal in the Ancient Mediterranean World.
The lecture: Goddesses as Exemplars for the Beauty and Power of Neo-Assyrian Queens is presented by Dr. Amy Gansell, St. John’s University, New York City, USA
Tidligere professor i GT ved Det teologiske fakultet, Hans M. Barstad d?de i Alicante i Spania i august i ?r. Mange b?de ved fakultetet og i norske akademia minnes Hans Barstad som en spennende l?rer, en god kollega, en fremragende forsker. Vi arrangerer n? minnesamv?r i Domus Theologica for ? gi uttrykk b?de for savn og takknemlighet:
Hvordan aktivisere studentene i din digitale undervisning? P? hvilken m?te kan studentresponssystemet Mentimeter bidra til h?yere engasjement - og g?yere engasjement?
Dette seminaret bygger p? "Introduksjon til Mentimeter", men er ?pent for alle interesserte!
澳门葡京手机版app下载sprosjektet "Sted, rom og praksis: Gudstjenester folk vil ha" har de siste to ?rene forsket p? menigheter som har ?kt oppslutning om sine gudstjenester. En del av ?kningen skyldes at menighetene legger til rette for d?p i flere gudstjenester.
Det teologiske fakultet markerer at Tarald Rasmussen har g?tt av med pensjon. Rasmussens forelesning etterf?lges av en mottagelse.