English version below
Seminaret finner sted i v?rt eget flotte Harald Schjelderups hus i storsalen Auditorium 4. Etter seminaret trekker festen ut i hagen, der noe forfriskende, grillbuffet, hageleker og -dans st?r p? menyen.
Tema: Nytt i undervisningen p? PSI
15.00-15.05 | Velkommen | P?l Kraft |
15.05-15.25 | Erfaringer med bruk av skuespillere i klinisk ferdighetstrening | Merete Glenne ?ie |
15.30-15.50 | Personvern og datalagring i studentprosjekter |
Bibliotekar og stipendiat Live H?ndlykken Kvale |
15.50-16.10 | Sprudlende pause i foajeen | |
16.10-16.30 | Internasjonalisering av undervisning | Gunnar Malmin mfl. |
16.30–16:50 | SamPraks: Tverrfaglig 澳门葡京手机版app下载 i praksis | Nora Sveaass |
16:50-17:10 | New ways of teaching: How to engage students in large group lectures |
Kristina Miljeteig, Karine Porpino mfl. |
17:15 |
Noe forfriskende i hagen |
18:30 | Grillbuffet |
Deretter blir det hageleker og DJ for de som har lyst til ? ha det g?y utover kvelden. Arrangementet avsluttes kl 01:00.
Alle ansatte ?nskes hjertelig velkommen!
Frist for p?melding er 27. mai!
Welcome to PSIs summer seminar and barbecue party
You are hereby invited to PSIs summer seminar and following barbecue party Friday June 14th. The seminar and party is for all employees, both permanent and temporary academic staff, and the administration.
The seminar takes place in Auditorium 4, Harald Schjelderup’s Hus, before the party pulls out into the garden, where a refreshing starter and the barbeque is awaiting.
Themes: New ways of teaching at PSI
3-3:05 pm | Welcome | P?l Kraft |
3:05-3:25 pm |
Experiences with actors in clinical skill training |
Merete Glenne ?ie |
3:30-3:50 pm |
Privacy protection and data protection in student projects |
Librarian and Research Fellow Live H?ndlykken Kvale |
3:50-4:10 pm |
Bubbling break |
4:10-4.30 pm |
Internationalization of teaching |
Gunnar Malmin mfl. |
4:30–4:50 pm |
SamPraks: Interdisciplinary cooperation in practice |
Nora Sveaass |
4:50-5:10 pm | New ways of teaching: How to engage students in large group lectures |
Kristina Miljeteig, Karine Porpino mfl. |
5:15 pm |
Refreshing quencher awaits in the garden |
6 pm-1 am | Barbeque |
For those who want to have fun throughout the evening, the party continues with garden games and dance music by the DJ after the barbeque.
All staff is welcome!
Attendance registration is mandatory in the link below by May 27th. See you there!