This semester, PsyDoc will continue successes of recent years by hosting an engaging communication workshop at PSI, followed by a three course dinner at Annen Etage, on Thursday February 18.
Then, on Thursday March 10, it is time for Oslo Psych Science at Escape. Oslo Psych Science features a number of cross-disciplinary talks by temporary and tenured academic staff at PSI and follows a strict Pecha Kucha format (20 slides, 20 seconds each). This event has been immensely popular among both staff and students in past years.
Save the date! More information on these and other upcoming events will be posted throughout the semester.
Primary aims
PsyDoc is the official interest organization for PhD and Postdoctoral Fellows at the Department of Psychology (PSI). The primary aims of PsyDoc is to
Facilitate and promote communication between temporary academic staff and PSI
Develop a common ground for interdisciplinary and social interaction within PSI by arranging a series of talks, workshops and social events throughout the academic year
Actively pursue issues related to the professional development and rights of temporary academic staff