Min metode - Jessica L?nn-Stensrud

Jessica L?nn-Stensrud talks about her method for communication at the Communication Forum at MN at the Science Library, where you can meet colleagues with an interest in communication, for mutual inspiration and exchange of experience.

Jessica L?nn-Stensrud

Foto: Simen Kjellin, UiO

Min metode – How to dare going into research communication

Jessica is a microbiologist, working with research communication, teaching, and research support at the Library of Medicine and Science. She has written two books; “Bakterienes forunderlige verden” and “Vi m? snakke om bakterier, dine viktigste venner”. For several years, she has been a frequent guest at the NRK radio shows Abels t?rn and Ekko, as well as a guest on the television shows God morgen Norge and Praktisk info med Jon Almaas (TV2).

In Min metode, she will tell us about how she overcame her stage fright and went from the safety of the written word to giving popular lectures and appearing on live radio shows and talk shows.

Publisert 11. okt. 2022 13:49 - Sist endret 14. feb. 2023 08:59