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Availability and function of donor organs: Debating the dead donor rule (3DR)
Mechanisms of mitophagy in cellular homeostasis and pathophysiology.
St?tter EU forskning og innovasjon p? en m?te som vil sette oss i stand til ? l?se v?r tids st?rste utfordringer?
EBRAINS (Human Brain Project) og POLITICO inviterer til debatt med toppanel 1. desember, kl 17.00.
Identification of Secretory Proteostasis as an Achilles heel of Multiple Myeloma.
Speaker: Juho Rousu, Professor, Department of Computer Science, Aalto University, Finland.
The Throne Holst paper- and twitter awards will be arranged October 15th at 2.00-4.00 PM.
The Nansen Neuroscience Lectures (NNL) honour Nansen’s ground-breaking contribution to neuroscience, and since 10.10.10 the event is part of the Norwegian Academy of Science and Letters annual Nansen-celebration.
Keeping the brain in shape is a prerequisite for good life, and particularly at old age, when age-associated diseases encroach upon us. Here we get updated on the current advances.
Lurer du p? hvorfor vi sover eller hva som skjer i hjernen n?r vi sover?
Vi inviterer p? frokost og fire forskere som forteller hva de har funnet ut om s?vnen v?r.
Adaptor proteins: Flexible and dynamic modulators of immune cell signaling.
EBRAINS is a European distributed Research Infrastructure for brain and brain-inspired research developed and maintained by the EU Human Brain Project. Jan Bjaalie (HBP Infrastructure Operations Director) will give a brief introduction to EBRAINS. Ida Aaseb?, leader of the EBRAINS data curation team, will present the EBRAINS data curation workflow and the principles and practices of publishing research data accompanying journal articles.
Vi har glede til ? invitere til avslutningsseremoni 18. juni kl. 13-14 i Runde auditorium p? Domus Medica.
Speaker: Ville Mustonen, Professor, Organismal and Evolutionary Biology Research Programme, Department of Computer Science and Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki and the Helsinki Institute for Information Technology, Finland.
iPS cell-based in vitro human disease modeling at the Norwegian Core Facility for Human Pluripotent Stem Cells
Florian Markowetz, Group Leader, Integrative Cancer Biology Team, Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, UK.
The department of comparative medicine - framework, opportunities and some limitations.
Twenty years of cooling the newborn after severe birth injury to save the brain.
The seminar is cancelled due to the restrictions introduced to prevent infection at UiO.
GABA uptake: functional roles of non-GAT1 transporters.
Speaker: Jan Beyersmann, Professor, Institute of Statistics, Ulm University, Germany.
Reorganization of genome topology during adipocyte differentiation.
How to investigate the role of sleep in cognitive development.
Chromatin organisation in stem cells and cancer
Speaker: Tero Aittokallio, Professor at the Oslo Centre for Biostatistics and Epidemiology and at the Institute for Cancer Research, Oslo, Norway.
Nordic Metabolomics Society workshop and Throne Holst symposium, October 31st-November 1st 2019