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澳门葡京手机版app下载 for ansatte ved MED - Side 12

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Niels Henrik Abels hus, Integreat premises, 8th floor

Dr. Rami Mochaourab research leader of Research Institutes of Sweden RISE gives a brief overview of trustworthy AI and delves into aspects of trustworthiness: accuracy, privacy, and explainability.

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Speaker: Camilla Aukrust, Institute of Health and Society, UiO


Tid og sted: , Professorboligen, Oslo Karl Johans gate 47

Tirsdag 23. januar arrangerer SERAF frokostseminar om nalokson i Oslo sentrum.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

We welcome students from the Faculty of Medicine, the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences and the Faculty of Educational Sciences to a digital information meeting about the internship programme and the possibility of applying for summer jobs in companies.

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Vi ?nsker studenter fra Det medisinske fakultet, Det matematisk-naturvitenskapelige fakultet og Det utdanningsvitenskapelige fakultet velkommen til digitalt informasjonsm?te om internshipordningen og muligheten for ? s?ke sommerjobber i bedrifter.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

I ?rene som kommer blir det flere pasienter per ansatt i helsesektoren. Hvilke konsekvenser f?r dette for medisinsk forskning og undervisning? Hva gj?r vi n?r vi g?r tom for folk?

Tid og sted: , ICR Auditorium

CanCell presents a seminar with Mariano Barbacid from the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO) on Wednesday January 17th. The title of his talk is: "Targeting KRAS mutant cancers. Light at the end of the tunnel"

Tid og sted: , Building K, Seminar room 1+2

The Equality Forum at CanCell is thrilled to extend a warm invitation to our upcoming event "Fostering Safety and Diversity in CanCell"

Tid og sted: , Zoom

Appropriate care is described as socially sustainable care, high-quality care, patient-oriented care, dignified care and meaningful care. How can healthcare actors engage with the ambiguity of this concept in a policy making process?

Tid og sted: , Stort M?terom, 2. etg. Georg Sverdrups Hus, Blindern

Arrangert av Kreftoverlevelse p? nye m?ter (CANCUL) og forskergruppen Samfunn, helse og makt (SHEP

Tid og sted: , Zoom

As women’s rights are being challenged in many parts of the world, Norway and the Nordic countries seem to have achieved the goal of gender equality. However, is this image a true reflection of Nordic societies or is it also a clever branding exercise? How secure are women’s rights in Norway? Is Norway using its image of “gender superpower” to promote gender equality globally?

Tid og sted: , Seminar Room 218, FHH (Frederik Holsts hus) and Zoom

Guest Speakers: Dr Edwin Ameso, Leipzig University and Dr Lena Kroeker, University of Bayreuth

Tid og sted: , Digital

CanCell presents a digital seminar by Niveditha Umesh Katyayini and Eline R?dningen on December 18th where they will describe how to set-up and use electronic lab journal using eLabJournal.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Deltakere fra prosjektet Bedre P?r?rende澳门葡京手机版app下载 oppsummerer fem ?rs forsknings- og implementeringsarbeid i psykisk helsevern.

Tid og sted: , Blindern, Niels Henrik Abels hus, Integreat premises, 8th floor

Associate Professor Ana Ozaki from Integreat and Department of Informatics at University of Oslo opens the Tuesdays seminar series with her presentation "Extracting Rules from Machine Learning Models in Angluin’s Style".

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Welcome to a lecture by President Tarja Halonen at Oslo Peace Days.

Tid og sted: , Domus Medica, Lille Auditorium

Biostatistical seminar with Geir Kjetil Ferkingstad Sandve, Professor, Biomedical Informatics Research Group (BMI), Section of Machine learning, Department of informatics (IFI), University of Oslo.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Demenskoret f?r UiOs menneskerettighetspris i ?r. Hvordan sikrer vi at de som har f?tt demens f?r sine grunnleggende menneskerettigheter ivaretatt?

Tid og sted: , Fauna, 澳门葡京手机版app下载sparken / Zoom

SPARK Europe Educational Forum are monthly open meetings organized by UiO:Life Science and SPARK Norway partners.

Tid og sted: , Universitetets aula

Universitetet i Oslos menneskerettighetspris - Lisl og Leo Eitingers pris 2023 deles ut til programleder Ingrid Gjessing Linhave, dirigent Kim Wigaard og Demenskoret.

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Women in Global Health Norway and Centre for Global Health welcomes you to a seminar celebrating The Nobel Peace Prize 2023 winner Narges Mohammadi.

Tid og sted: , Exhibition Stage, Bella Center, Copenhagen

Join when the Directors of the Nordic SPARK programmes engage in discussions with academic entrepreneurs and investors about the crucial significance of a robust Nordic collaboration and the potential accomplishments that can be realized through a collective effort. 

Tid og sted: , Domus Bibliotheca

Sitter personligheten din i hjernen?

Tid og sted: , Gamle festsal, Domus Academica, Karl Johans Gate 47

Master Heidi Marie Karlsen at Institute of Health and Society will be defending the thesis “Hva kan vi l?re av erfaringer med ? delta i etikkdr?ftinger? En kvalitativ studie fra etikkomiteer i norsk kommunehelsetjeneste” for the degree of PhD (Philosophiae Doctor). The public defence will be held in Norwegian.