KHMs forskningsr?d har gleden av ? invitere til kurs i akademisk engelsk. Kurset holdes av David Burke og Ingerid Straume fra Akademisk skrivesenter ved Universitetsbiblioteket.
Kurset baserer seg p? at alle deltagere tar med noen sider fra en tekst de arbeider med (del ar artikkel, bok, presentasjon, kapittel etc) som de bearbeider videre og f?r tilbakemelding p? gjennom kurset.
Meld deg p? ved e-post til forskningsr?dgiver. Kurset har maks 20 plasser vi fyller etter f?rstemann til m?lla-prinsippet. Dersom det er stor interesse ser vi p? muligheten for ? sette opp flere kursdatoer utover h?sten.
Med vennlig hilsen
KHMs forskningsr?d
Akademisk skrivesenter will offer the following two-part workshop for Kulturhistorisk museum researchers:
Better English in Research Writing
29 August, kl. 10 - 16
Part One: Voice
- A focus on word- and sentence-level choices in English
Part Two: Structure and Objective
- A focus on purpose-built texts
As discussed, the workshop will be designed to accommodate 15 (max. 20) attendees and will offer each the opportunity to work closely with their own writing. The course will treat word- and sentence-level choices, as well as structure and relevant high order concerns. Attendees will be able to develop a specific text over the course of the workshop. At the same time, because the course will take a conceptual approach rather than a “how-to” approach, attendees will be encouraged to consider their own writing more broadly. The workshop will include the opportunity for one-to-one consulting sessions, as well as individual written feedback for each attendee.
In preparation, attendees will be asked to identify a target journal for future publication—ideally for a current or planned article—as well as an article from that journal as an exemplar. Attendees can expect to work with writing exercises throughout the course. Attendees will be asked to submit a sample text in advance of the workshop. A more detailed course description is under development.