澳门葡京手机版app下载sfaglige arrangement p? KHM - Side 7
Transient E-Waste Spaces: Labour, Kinship and Capital in Electronic Waste Salvaging
Arkeologisk seminar med Marianne Moen (KHM) og Julie Lund (IAKH).
Arkeologisk seminar med Marianne Moen (KHM) og Julie Lund (IAKH).
Critical events and public memories: Remembering and forgetting racism in Norway
Critical events and public memories: Remembering and forgetting racism in Norway
Creating good storage and display environments for cultural heritage objects in museums is a complex subject, which receives wide attention.
Det ? skape gode oppbevaringsforhold for kulturarven er et komplekst tema, og mye skjer rundt dette.
Lecture and panel conversation with Franziska Torma
SENKU is co-hosting The 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, which is Corona-postponed until 2021. In lieu of the 2020-conference, the organizing committee have organized two webcast panels to adress current issues in the history of science. This is the second. No pre-registration: Join the event here.
Online lecture and panel conversation with Nathaniel Comfort.
SENKU is co-hosting The 8th Norwegian Conference on the History of Science, which is Corona-postponed until 2021. In lieu of the 2020-conference, the organizing committee have organized two webcast panels to adress current issues in the history of science. This is the first.
Dette arrangementet er dessverre avlyst!
– Med eksempler fra steinalderen. Et arkeologisk seminar med Almut Schülke, KHM og Per Ditlef Fredriksen, IAKH.
A Human Rights Based Approach to Sa?mi Statistics in Norway.
NB: Please note, this is a webinar on Zoom:
Arkeologisk seminar med H?kon Roland, KHM, og Iver B. Neumann, Fridtjof Nansens Institutt.
The seminar is part of “Human sacrifice and value: The limits of sacred violence”
sponsored by the Research Council of Norway.
Excavating Ostia and its Archives
Arctic Anthropologists and the Canadian State in the 1950s.
KHMs forskningsr?d ?nsker alle tilsatte velkommen til ?rets Feiring av forskning ved KHM.
Nettkonferansen er en del av 澳门葡京手机版app下载et om utstillingen North and South, som for f?rste gang samler et utvalg eksempler p? middelalderens alterkunst fra Norge og Catalonia, to regioner i den nordlige og s?rlige kanten av kontinentet.
On the ‘oneness’ of humankind: Competing appeals to hospitality and equality in rural Gambia.
Institute seminar: Department of Ethnography, Numismatics, Classical Archaeology and University History
Postdoctoral Fellow Marianne Moen 'Talking sex (and Gender) in Viking Age Graves'
Institute seminar: Department of Ethnography, Numismatics, Classical Archaeology and University History
Postdoctoral Fellow Marianne Moen 'Slave girls and willing victims'
"Fetish against sickness". Dr. Inge Heiberg, his gift to the museum, and 100 years of exhibition practices.
Seminaret er utsatt til en senere anledning grunnet COVID-19.
Arctic Anthropologists and the Canadian State in the 1950s
P? det nye nettstedet er Santal-samlingen og pastor Boddings dokumentasjon av gjenstandene for f?rste gang tilgjengelig for allmennheten.
Alternative Muslims