Instituttlunsj: Shipping contracts and insurance clauses: Some problems arising from these provision

Instituttlunsj (internt arrangement ved/for NIFSe medarbeidere) - i m?terommet p? Energiretten.

Introduction by Albano Gilabert Gascó. Cascó is currently doing a PhD in Marine Insurance Law at both the University Jaume I of Castellón (Spain) and the Alma Mater Studiorum - University of Bologna (Italy). He is here for two months in conjuction with his PhD-project.


Fag- og instituttlunsjene er som hovedregel rent interne m?telunsjer.

Faglunsjene finner som regel sted p? Energirettens m?terom, Domus Media ?st, med mindre annet er annonsert. De litt bredere anlagte instituttlunsjene er vanligvis i Kjerka, DMV.

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Publisert 13. sep. 2022 09:23 - Sist endret 13. sep. 2022 09:30