IOR-mandagsnytt 1.august 2022

Internt ukentlig nyhetsbrev med aktuelle nyheter ved Institutt for offentlig rett

Daniel Behn har g?tt bort

Det er stor sorg vi har mottatt den tunge beskjeden om at Daniel F. Behn, f?rsteamanuensis II ved Pluricourts, sovnet stille inn i sitt hjem i London den 16. juli. Han ble 47 ?r gammel. 

Ole Kristian Fauchald og Malcolm Langford har skrevet et minneord om Daniel som du finner helt nederst i dette nyhetsbrevet.  

Vi lyser fred over hans minne.


1. Professor Malcolm Langford har forskningsopphold ved University of NSW, Sydney, i perioden 11.juli 2022-30.juni 2023. Universitetslektor Nils Gunnar Skretting kommer til ? bruke kontoret hans i den perioden.

2. Postdoc Anniken S?rlie fratrer 1.8 og g?r til fast stilling p? OsloMet. Vi gratulerer med ny jobb!

3. Her er en liten oversikt over nye vitenskapelige assistenter for h?sten 2022:

(Det blir full presentasjon p? f?rste/andre instituttlunsj og oppdatering p? personalsidene)

Julie Skomakerstuen Larsen

Siri Br?khus Haugsand

Anna Melkild

Tora Aune

Mira Sofie Stokke

Thora Standal Aarrestad

Tensaye Alemu

Annija Punka

Velkommen til oss!

4.Nyansatte i bistillinger:

Samson Yoseph Esayas og Malgorzata Cyndecka begynner som f?rsteamanuensis II ved IOR. De er eksternfinansierte og er ansatt i mildertidige bistillinger (10%) og er tilknyttet prosjektet CLEANUP. Esayas ansettes i perioden 1.8.2022-30.7.2023.Cyndecka har tilsettingsperiode 20.09.2022-19.02.2023.

Velkommen til oss!

Parkering Universitetshagen

Det blir forbudt ? parkere i Universitetshagen (dvs bak Aulaen + i bakg?rden ved DB) fra og med i dag (1.8). Det er satt opp skilter og feilparkerte biler risikerer borttauing. Ansattparkering er som f?r i Frederiks gate 3 eller p? Tullinl?kka (bak Historisk museum).

UiO:Democracy - Funding for 3-5 research groups

UiO:Democracy announces funding for 3–5 interdisciplinary research groups with a budget of 2-6 million NOK for the period 2023–2025.

Deadline: 15 October 2022.

澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det - ?pen tilgang til publikasjoner

澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det er med i cOAlition S, en sammenslutning av forskningsfinansi?rer fra flere kontinenter som stiller felles internasjonale krav om ?pen publisering (Plan S).   

I tr?d med Plan S krever 澳门葡京手机版app下载sr?det full og umiddelbar ?pen tilgang til alle vitenskapelige publikasjoner fra prosjekter vi finansierer. Det vil si at artiklene skal gj?res tilgjengelig uten forsinkelse (embargo) og med en ?pen lisens som tillater gjenbruk av publikasjonen.  

Kravet gjelder prosjekter som fikk finansiering fra utlysning i 2021 eller senere.  Mer informasjon finner du p? forskningsr?dets webside om ?pen tilgang til publikasjoner.


Minneord: Daniel F. Behn

Bildet kan inneholde: briller, panne, h?r, ansikt, smil.

It was with deep sadness that we received the message that Associate Professor Daniel F. Behn passed away last weekend in his apartment in London, seemingly in his sleep, at the far too early age of 47. Warm, generous, collegial, and deeply analytical and knowledgeable, he has been a dear friend, colleague, and scholarly leader in developing ground-breaking research on international investment arbitration.

Daniel started his academic career at the University of Dundee, first with an LLM in international dispute settlement, and thereafter a PhD as the Ibrahim Shihata Fellow in international law. He was the last Ph.D fellow of Professor Thomas W?lde, who inspired Daniel to come to Dundee’s renowned postgraduate program in mineral and petroleum law. Daniel is remembered at Dundee for his charisma and engagement, often gathering like-minded classmates to discuss international law and arbitration – some attending just to hear him speak. His PhD, A Theory of Configurative Fairness for Evolving International Legal Orders, provides a foundational theory for understanding and measuring how subjective value perspectives affect the development of legal orders over time. 

In the same year that he graduated, 2013, Daniel was recruited to a post-doctoral position at PluriCourts Centre for Excellence, University of Oslo. His formal qualifications were excellent, but even more important was his combination of theoretical curiosity and a profound need to ground theory in real life experiences, problem solving, and empirical validation. He also had an unmatched and impressive encyclopaedic ability to recall in detail cases, persons, and events in international economic law. This repeatedly became the departure point for engaging and extensive discussions at the intersections of law, political science and philosophy. 

Daniel’s years at PluriCourts were many and busy. His project proposal was “Investment Treaty Arbitration through the Eyes of the Foreign Investor: An Empirical Look at Claimant Behavior and Motivation”, dated 27 June 2013. The purpose was “to look ‘behind the cases’ in investment treaty arbitration [and] … to gain empirical knowledge about the investor-claimant that is unlikely to be gained from the primary documents available to scholars.” Looking back, it is clear that Daniel was extremely successful in achieving what he set out to do, with a flurry of empirical projects using quantitative, qualitative, and computational methods and the facilitation of a large and diverse investment law research community based at PluriCourts. However, as happens to many projects, he was prevented from applying the particular approach he envisaged; testing the theory and methodology on subjective values he developed in his PhD remained a project close to his heart that he worked on to the end.

 A majority of Daniel’s publications are co-authored reflecting his deep commitment to collegiality. He cherished every opportunity to work together with other academics, and his list of co-authors includes a broad range of PluriCourts researchers, former Dundee Ph.D fellows, and internationally renowned scholars from universities throughout the world. Two of his articles were awarded prestigious prizes, the European Society of International Law Young Scholar Award for the paper “Managing Backlash: The Evolving Investment Treaty Arbitrator” and the John H. Jackson Prize for the Best Article in the Journal of International Economic Law, “The Revolving Door in International Investment Arbitration”. These articles, amongst others, are now highly cited and have been re-published in reference works.

Besides publications, Daniel has had four key tasks at PluriCourts. The first was to build a database on investment treaty arbitration, which has provided the basis for much of the empirical scholarship. The project took on a life on its own and has grown in many directions, with multiple database collaborators and use of machine learning methods. This was both a blessing and curse for Daniel when he left PluriCourts for a permanent position at Liverpool University in 2017. He gradually lost control over its content and design, which led him to continue using his excel spreadsheet that he trusted and mastered to perfection.

The second task was the publication of an edited volume on the legitimacy of investment treaty arbitration. It started out with invitation of Daniel’s selection of the most important empirical scholars in the field. This also became a long-term project, frequently interrupted by other new and pressing paper deadlines and initiatives. One of his last and cherished academic achievements was thus the publication of the edited volume in the spring of 2022: The Legitimacy of Investment Arbitration. Empirical Perspectives (Cambridge University Press), in which he is also the co-author of four chapters. It partners the other co-edited book Adjudicating Trade and Investment Disputes: Convergence or Divergence? (Cambridge University Press, 2020) and more than 40 other academic publications over a 15-year period.

The third task was to apply for funding. He received the most challenging task available, to produce an EU Horizon 2020 project application. While this was time-consuming, complex, and ultimately unsuccessful, it provided the foundation for two of the externally-financed international investment law research projects we have at PluriCourts today, LEGINVEST and COPIID, which will be an important and enduring part of PluriCourts’ legacy and provide the ongoing basis for our investment law research community. Daniel also actively co-led other major research projects, including on arbitrator psychology with colleagues at Queen Mary University of London. 

Daniel’s final task was public outreach and communication, which he approached with zeal. Besides co-writing numerous blogs for EJIL: Talk! and others and being interviewed in various media outlets, he was deeply involved in the ongoing UNCITRAL reform process on investment arbitration.  In 2018, he was approached to be a founding member of the Academic Forum on Investor-State Dispute Settlement, which was established to support governments and civil society in reform negotiations. He played an active role in developing and communicating research results, co-editing special issues, and building institutionally the forum, and was appointed the Deputy Chair (2019) and subsequently Co-Chair (2021).

Besides these tasks, Daniel was also a passionate educator. At the University of Oslo, he used both Socratic and experiential methods to engage students in active learning in a variety of elective subjects. When he took up a position at Queen Mary University of London in 2019 he was given responsibility for the PhD program as Director of Graduate Studies, where he sought to follow up almost a hundred research fellows. Daniel spoke often of the joy of being engaged in helping others develop their careers. While the timing of Daniel’s arrival in London almost coincided with the outbreak of the pandemic and its accompanying isolation, Daniel is remembered for impressing his colleagues and students at Queen Mary with his exhaustive knowledge of international investment law, engaging personality and – above all – principled character.

Due to his avid curiosity and sharp mind, Daniel had also a taste of professional practice, representing a foreign investor in an investment treaty arbitration. His well-rounded knowledge of investor-state dispute settlement and empirical expertise contributed greatly to the design of the case strategy. He led the legal team and developed a close relationship with everyone involved in the case, including the client. This experience inspired a new set of ideas, questions, and reflections around the decision-making process in investment treaty arbitration, which would have undoubtedly resulted in a new research agenda for the coming years.

We will remember Daniel as a unique scholar who thrived and bloomed when working in close cooperation with others. He sparkled when faced with complex questions of data collection and testable hypotheses. He motivated and made others shine and helped make PluriCourts an exciting workplace with his boisterous humour, warmth, and engagement. Daniel F. Behn will be deeply missed.

Written by Ole Kristian Fauchald and Malcolm Langford (PluriCourts, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo)
With contributions from Stavros Brekoulakis (Queen Mary University of London) and Ana Maria Daza Vargas (University of Edinburgh)

Registrering av publikasjoner i Cristin

Husk ? registrere dine publikasjoner i Cristin, slik at det ogs? kommer opp i nyhetsoppdateringen. 

Siste fra Cristin

  • S?tervadet, Torkell (2025). Utviklingen av en generell rett til fri bevegelighet for personer i det indre marked og betydningen for E?S-retten . Kritisk juss. ISSN 0804-7375. 51(1).
  • Nguyen Duy, Iris & Stokstad, Sigrid (2024). Legal framework and rule of law. I Haug, Are Vegard (Red.), Crisis Management, Governance and COVID-19 : Pandemic Policy and Local Government in the Nordic Countries. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 03533 652 4.
  • Stridbeck, Ulf (2024). ? komme fram til den hele og fulle sannhet. Tidsskrift for strafferett. ISSN 1502-685X. s. 221–237. doi: 10.18261/strafferett.24.3.2.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Judgemente style and communication technology - A brief history of the Norwegian judgement from 1273 to the present day. I Befring, Anne Kjersti & Michalsen, Dag (Red.), Grasping the Complexity of Law. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISSN 9788293816836. s. 205–218.
  • Sand, Inger Johanne (2024). Nordic Civil Society through Changes in New Technologies and Knowledge Society. How is the Function of Civil Society Affected? I Engh, Sunniva; Hemstad, Ruth & Mordhorst, Mads (Red.), Cooperation and Confrontation in Nordic Civil Societies since 1800. Routledge. ISSN 9781032785165. s. 36–55. doi: 10.4324/9781003488286-4. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Backer, Inge Lorange (2024). Europar?dets konvensjoner om barn. I Stang, Elisabeth Gording; K?hler-Olsen, Julia; Hellum, Anne & Ketscher, Kirsten (Red.), Fra barnerett til barns rettigheter. Festskrift til Kirsten Sandberg 70 ?r. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205607569. s. 32–43.
  • Myklebust, Trude (2024). When legal spheres collide, what decides which will prevail? A study of the decision-making process and power-relations in a complex and conflicted Norwegian hospital building project . I Befring, Anne Kjersti & Michalsen, Dag (Red.), Grasping the Complexity of Law. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISSN 9788293816836. s. 139–152.
  • Kval?, Kirsten Kolstad (2024). ? skrive juss s? barn forst?r det. I Stang, Elisabeth Gording; K?hler-Olsen, Julia; Hellum, Anne & Ketscher, Kirsten (Red.), Fra barnerett til barns rettigheter. Festskrift til Kirsten Sandberg 70 ?r. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205607569.
  • Sookermany, Anders McDonald; Valland, Tatanya; Helgesen, Janne Henriette Ingarsdotter; Dahl, Johanne Yttri & Boe, Ole (2024). Time matters: A bronfenbrennerian view on teaching quality in police education during the COVID-19 pandemic. ICERI Proceedings. ISSN 2340-1095. s. 4173–4181. doi: 10.21125/iceri.2024.1055.
  • Voigt, Christina; Ferreira, Felipe; Nemitz, Dirk; Sanz-Sánchez, María José & Brana, Josefina (2024). The Paris Agreement and the Importance of the Warsaw Framework for REDD+ (WFR). Review of European, Comparative and International Environmental Law. ISSN 2050-0386.
  • Michalsen, Dag (2024). Inger-Johanne Sand as legal scholar: Legal science, legal theory and public law . I Befring, Anne Kjersti & Michalsen, Dag (Red.), Grasping the Complexity of Law. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISSN 9788293816836. s. 9–17.
  • Johansen, Stian ?by (2024). The (Im)possibility of a CFSP “Internal Solution”. European Papers (EP). ISSN 2499-8249. 9(2), s. 783–800. doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/783. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Johansen, Stian ?by; Ulfstein, Geir; F?llesdal, Andreas & Wessel, Ramses A. (2024). The Revised Draft Agreement on the Accession of the EU to the ECHR: Third Time’s a Charm? European Papers (EP). ISSN 2499-8249. 9(2), s. 641–646. doi: 10.15166/2499-8249/774. Fulltekst i vitenarkiv
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). Governance and The EUs AI Act as part of a complex framework. I Befring, Anne Kjersti & Michalsen, Dag (Red.), Grasping the Complexity of Law. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISSN 9788293816836. s. 113–139.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Law and Communication Technology - Lessons Learned from Norwegian Legal History. I Rubens, Robert & Van Dyck, Maarten (Red.), Sartoniana. Ghent University. ISSN 9789493388192. s. 35–57.
  • Smith, Eivind (2024). Contraindre l'Etat norvégien à agir face au dérèglement climatique. I Costa, Delphine (Red.), Annuaire Européen d'Administration Publique XLV-2022. Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille. ISSN 978-2-7314-1322-9. s. 241–263.
  • Holgeid, Madeleine; Strand, Vibeke Blaker & Hellum, Anne (2024). L?nnskartleggingsplikten i likestillings- og diskrimineringsloven – et effektivt redskap for bekjemping av l?nnsforskjeller mellom kvinner og menn? S?kelys p? arbeidslivet. ISSN 1504-8004. doi: 10.18261/spa.41.3.4.
  • Syse, Aslak (2024). Fornorskingens konsekvenser for barn. I Stang, Elisabeth Gording; K?hler-Olsen, Julia; Hellum, Anne & Ketscher, Kirsten (Red.), Fra barnerett til barns rettigheter. Festskrift til Kirsten Sandberg 70 ?r. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205607569. s. 355–367.
  • Haddeland, Hanna Buer (2024). Victims of Terrorism: The Interplay Between the Right to Compensation and the Risk of Secondary Victimization. European Public Law. ISSN 1354-3725. 30(4), s. 357–384. doi: 10.54648/EURO2024011.
  • Furuholmen, Lucy Isabelle Kl?boe (2024). Lovkommentarer for Karnov, Lovdata for statsborgerloven. Karnov lovkommentarer.
  • Korpiola, Mia & Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). The Influence of the Principle "Necessitas Non Habet Legem" on Nordic Medieval Laws on Theft. Journal of the History of Ideas. ISSN 0022-5037. 85(4). doi: 10.1353/jhi.2024.a944582.
  • Marina, Fortuna; Gorobets, Kostia; Merkouris, Panos; Ulfstein, Geir; F?llesdal, Andreas & Westerman, Pauline (2024). Preface, Customary International Law and Its Interpretation by International Courts: Theories, Methods and Interactions. Cambridge University Press. ISSN 9781009541329.
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). Hvem er vernet av FNs kvinnekonvensjon? Om samspill mellom teori, politikk og fortolkningspraksis. I Tjernberg, Mats; Trenta, Cristina & Dimitrievski, Nick (Red.), Festskrift till ?sa Gunnarsson. Iustus f?rlag. ISSN 9789177372493. s. 133–154.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti; Vallevik, Vibeke Binz; Nadeau, Courtney & Br?gger, Helga M. B. (2024). Syntetiske datasett kan gi bedre KI-modeller for helsetjenesten . Tidsskrift for Den norske legeforening. ISSN 0029-2001. 144. doi: 10.4045/tidsskr.24.0328.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). Utfordringer ved gjennomf?ringen av dommer fra Den europeiske menneskerettighetsdomstolen. I Stang, Elisabeth Gording; K?hler-Olsen, Julia; Hellum, Anne & Ketscher, Kirsten (Red.), Fra barnerett til barns rettigheter. Festskrift til Kirsten Sandberg 70 ?r. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205607569.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). International and national law: who has the last word? I Aust, Helmut Philipp; Krieger, Heike & Lange, Felix (Red.), Research Handbook on International Law and Domestic Legal Systems. Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 978 1 80037 315 0.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). H?yesteretts plenumsdom i sn?krabbesaken. Lov og Rett. ISSN 0024-6980.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Kjelland, Morten (2025). Frister i personskadesaker. Gyldendal rettsdata. ISBN 0000000000000. 112 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2025). KUNNE Erstatningsrett (digital multimediabok). Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 0000000000000. 60 s.
  • Cordonier-Segger, Marie Claire & Voigt, Christina (2025). Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance: Courage, Contributions and Compliance . Routledge. ISBN 9781032233000. 487 s.
  • Magnussen, Roger Stelander; Bubalo, Lana & Tuseth, B?rd Sverre (2024). Undervisning og overbevisning: Festskrift til Magnus Roald Martinussen 70 ?r. Handelsh?gskolen ved Universitetet i Stavanger . ISBN 978-82-8439-307-0. 289 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Skader p? reiseveien – n?r er man yrkesskadedekket? . Gyldendal rettsdata. ISBN 9788205603622. 127 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Grunnleggende erstatningsrett: e-bok med forklaringsvideoer. Lexia Publishing/Lexia Education. ISBN 0000000000000. 110 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Pasientskadeloven med kommentarer (revisjon). Karnov Group Norway AS. ISBN 0000000000000. 72 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten & Kjelland, Jana (2024). Boligsosialloven med kommentarer. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISBN 0000000000000. 32 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten & Kjelland, Jana (2024). Husbankloven med kommentarer. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 0000000000000. 47 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Yrkesskadeforsikringsloven med lov- og forskriftskommentarer. Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 0000000000000. 150 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Erstatningsrett i et n?tteskall. Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. ISBN 9788205493803. 330 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Erstatningsrett – en l?rebok (3. utg.). Universitetsforlaget. ISBN 9788215066219. 505 s.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Skader p? reiseveien: N?r er man yrkesskadedekket? (paper med refleksjoner frem mot H?yesteretts dom i HR-2024-1571-A). Gyldendal Norsk Forlag A/S. ISBN 9788205603622. 210 s.
  • Voigt, Christina & Foster, Caroline (2024). Non-Compliance Mechanisms vs. International Courts - Comparative Advantages in Strengthening Treaty Implementation . Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-1-009-37391-3. 400 s.
  • Kval?, Kirsten Kolstad; Vaaler, Henrik & Bjelland, Kaija Marie Folkestad (2024). Robins guide til rettskildel?ren, 2. utgave. Gyldendal Juridisk. ISBN 978-82-05-60223-6. 167 s.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti & Michalsen, Dag (2024). Grasping the Complexity of Law. Karnov Group Norway AS. ISBN 9788293816836. 244 s.
  • Fortuna, Marina; Gorobets, Kostia; Merkouris, Panos; F?llesdal, Andreas; Ulfstein, Geir & Westerman, Pauline (2024). Customary International Law and Its Interpretation by International Courts: Theories, Methods and Interactions. Cambridge University Press. ISBN 9781009541329.
  • Skaar, Arvid Aage (2024). The Dependent Services Clause in Tax Treaties. International Bureau of Fiscal Documentation (IBFD). ISBN 9789087228798. 405 s.

Se alle arbeider i Cristin

  • Voigt, Christina (2025). Operationalizing the Paris Agreement Implementation and Compliance Committee (PAICC) , Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance: Courage, Contributions and Compliance . Routledge. ISSN 9781032233000.
  • Voigt, Christina (2025). The UNFCCC, the Paris Agreement and Legal Obligations for Climate Action , Routledge Handbook of Climate Law and Governance: Courage, Contributions and Compliance . Routledge. ISSN 9781032233000.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). F?r ikke behandling. ?konomien viktigere ....... [Internett]. NRK .
  • Kierulf, Anine (2024). Brennende quaestio. Lov og Rett. ISSN 0024-6980. doi: 10.18261/lor.63.9.2.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Uttalte meg som fagperson i en personskadesak (Stupeulykken i Bj?rvika). Artikkeloverskrift: "Kommunen gj?r forel?pig ingen st?rre endringer ved S?renga. N? vil de pr?ve saken i H?yesterett". [Avis]. Aftenposten.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Yrkesskadeerstatning - hovedlinjer og utvalgte emner.
  • Kjelland, Morten (2024). Personskadeportalen 2.0: legal tech-produkt for effektiv h?ndtering av personskadesaker.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Var det kristendommen som avskaffet slaveriet i Norge? [Fagblad].
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Slik var julefeiringa f?r i tida. Bergens Tidende. ISSN 0804-8983.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Rettshistorie og teknologi med J?rn ?yrehagen Sunde. [Internett]. Juridisk ABC.
  • Stridbeck, Ulf (2024). Politiet/p?talemyndigheten - ett eller to spor? Tidsskrift for strafferett. ISSN 1502-685X. s. 304–306. doi: 10.18261/strafferett.24.4.3.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). Sakene har likhetstrekk med NAV-skandalen. [Avis]. VG.
  • Havre, Merete (2024). Proporsjonalitetsprinsippet ved forvaltningsrettslige inngrep – et ulovfestet prinsipp om proporsjonalitet? Karnov tidsskrifter.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Jule?nskje. Kyrkjebladet. 3(3), s. 4–5.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Jul i Lands- og Bylova - Ei julefortlejing om Norge p? 1100- og 1200-talet.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Holdt tilbake med tvang: Over 25 000 vedtak siden 2012. [Avis]. VG.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Jul i Lands- og Bylova av 1274 og 1276.
  • F?llesdal, Andreas (2024). Pensjonsfondet som samfunnskontrakt hinsides hakkebakkeskogen. Nytt Norsk Tidsskrift. ISSN 0800-336X. 41(3-4), s. 309–321. doi: 10.18261/nnt.41.3-4.10.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Landslova av 1274. Magnus Lagab?ter og det Norge han skapte.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Jul i Lands- og Bylova.
  • Sookermany, Anders McDonald; Valland, Tatanya; Helgesen, Janne Henriette Ingarsdotter; Dahl, Johanne Yttri & Boe, Ole (2024). Time matters: A bronfenbrennerian view on teaching quality in police education during the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Haddeland, Hanna Buer (2024). Velferdsstatens oppf?lging av rammede etter terrorangrep: Voldserstatning og bistandsadvokat - 22/11 til 25/6.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Landslova av 1274 – Ei unik lovbok i europeisk rettshistorie. Lov og Rett. ISSN 0024-6980. 63(10), s. 657–658.
  • Strand, Vibeke Blaker (2024). Regulering av virksomheten i trossamfunn – en historie om hvordan individvernet har styrket seg i norsk rett. I Stang, Elisabeth Gording; K?hler-Olsen, Julia; Hellum, Anne & Ketscher, Kirsten (Red.), Fra barnerett til barns rettigheter. Festskrift til Kirsten Sandberg 70 ?r. Gyldendal Akademisk. ISSN 9788205607569. s. 341–354.
  • Sandvig, Jenny Arge & Voigt, Christina (2024). Strict liability for climate harm: The case of Norway. I de Jong, Elbert (Red.), Corporate Liability and Liability for Climate Change . Edward Elgar Publishing. ISSN 9781035333219. s. 234–249.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Fra Christian Vs lov til dagens debatt: Abort i norsk lov gjennom tidene . [Fagblad]. Juristkontakt.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). Flytting av psykisk utviklingshemmede uten lovgrunnlag. [Avis]. VG.
  • Befring, Anne Kjersti (2024). Valg av HPV vaksine. [TV]. NRK.
  • Syse, Aslak (2024). Norge f?r ny abortlov? ?kt selvbestemmelsesrett for gravide. Tidsskrift for familierett, arverett og barnevernrettslige sp?rsm?l. ISSN 1503-2965. doi: 10.18261/fab.22.4.1.
  • Syse, Aslak (2024). Det er p? tide med ny abortlov. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Horn, Morten Andreas; Lee, Anja & Syse, Aslak (2024). D?dshjelpdebatt p? faglige premisser. Aftenposten (morgenutg. : trykt utg.). ISSN 0804-3116.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Landslova av 1274, med lokale d?me fr? Vaksdal.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Fr? Lagab?ter til digital rett.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Fr? Landslova av 1274 til kunstig intelligens i 2024 – samvirke mellom teknologi og utdanning fr? mellomalderen til i dag.
  • Heivoll, Geir (2024). Politiet og de fattige barna. Politiforum. ISSN 1500-6921.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Fr? Landslova til digital rett. Kor kjem vi fr? og kor g?r vi?
  • Michalsen, Dag; Skotnes, Dina & Nordrum, Jon Christian Fl?ysvik (2024). Grunnloven p? samisk - en styrking av samisk rettsspr?k .
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Digitalisering og KI – med rettshistoriske briller.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Landslova og guds fire d?tre.
  • Johansen, Stian ?by (2024). Borgarting nektet ? b?ye seg for H?yesteretts syn – oppheves for andre gang . [Avis].
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). Det individuelle vernet mot seksuell trakassering.
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). JURK har styrket kvinners rettsvern i Norge.
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). Kommentar p? Likestillings- og diskrimineringsombudets lansering av veileder for transpersoner.
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). Kommentar til Rettssosiologiens idéhistoriske utvikling i Norge - Innledning ved Fredrik Thue.
  • Hellum, Anne (2024). A conversation with Shaheen Sardar Ali - scholar, colleague, friend, teacher.
  • Strain, Nicola (2024). To Appeal or Comply with Adverse Awards? Exploring Annulment, Set-Aside and the Finality of ISDS Awards.
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). J?rn ?yrehagen Sunde er nominert til Petter Dass-prisen: – Jeg har ikke misjonert, men jeg har v?rt tro mot kildene. [Avis]. V?rt land.
  • Baste, ?ystein Fl?; Ericson, Ingvild & Kval?, Kirsten Kolstad (2024). H?ringsuttalelse som svar p? Justis- og beredskapsdepartementets anmodning om innspill til etterkontroll av personopplysningsloven, datert 2. juli 2024 .
  • Sunde, J?rn ?yrehagen (2024). Landslova for undervisning i grunnskulen.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). Overholder Norge de folkerettslige pliktene overfor Palestina? Rett24.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). Knusende dom over Israels okkupasjon. Klassekampen. ISSN 0805-3839.
  • Ulfstein, Geir (2024). Uklart om folkeretten i Karasjokdommen. Rett24.
  • Mj?s, Aksel; Armstrong, Claire W.; Harby, Atle; Kreutzer, Idar; Oskal, Anders & Baste, Ivar [Vis alle 13 forfattere av denne artikkelen] (2024). I samspill med naturen. Naturrisiko for n?ringer, sektorer og samfunn i Norge. Norges offentlige utredninger. ISSN 0333-2306. 2024(2).

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  • Pr?veforelesning: Heather Carolyn Broomfield 16. jan. 2025 10:15

    Heather Carolyn Broomfield avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The role of law in the framing of data-driven public administration - at policy level and in practical implementation.

  • Disputation: Heather Carolyn Broomfield 16. jan. 2025 11:15

    Heather Carolyn Broomfield will be defending the thesis; The Data-Driven Public Sector: A Critical Assessment of its Framing and Implementationfor the degree of PhD.

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