Kommende arrangementer
The seminar is intended to contribute to the work of the International Law Commission (ILC), which is currently addressing the topic “General principles of law”. The second reading of the topic (and thereby its conclusion) is expected to occur in May–August 2025. The ILC’s Special Rapporteur, Marcelo Vázquez-Bermúdez, will participate in the seminar.
Arbeidsrettsgruppen inviterer til sitt ?rlige fagseminar
We are delighted to invite you to a digital lunch seminar featuring Luca Tenreira, PhD Researcher at the European University Institute. Luca Tenreira will present the forthcoming paper, "Global Value Chains After the Green Deal: Methodological Implication."
Midtveisevaluering for stipendiat Simen Mcadam Lium som vil presentere sitt doktorgradsprosjekt "Sluttavtaler i arbeidsforhold".
Welcome to our digital afternoon seminar, where Professor Beate Sj?fjell from the University of Oslo, will present from her ongoing work on Corporate Sustainability Law.
Join us for the 40th Nordic Conference on Law and IT, marking an incredible milestone in advancing legal scholarship and practice in the Nordic region.