Tidligere arrangementer - Side 37
The deregulation of the financial markets in the 1980s and 1990s have challenged many of our perceptions about the interconnectedness of investments, corporate control and the influence of the relevant market actors. This conference address one of the key questions that has sprung out from the deregulation, namely how we can ensure financial transparency, delimit systemic risks and foster efficient regulation.
Vitenskapelig assistent Katja Boye presenterer sitt avhandlingsprosjekt "Bakgrunnssjekk i arbeidsforhold. Hvilke regler kommer til anvendelse n?r arbeidsgiver innhenter og kontrollerer opplysninger om ansatte og jobbs?kere?"
Arrangementet er ?pent for alle, og det er ingen p?melding.
Nicolay Skarning, Kvale, og Lornts Natrud Nagelhus, LO, innleder til diskusjon om dommen.
Master of Laws Blazej Kuzniacki at the Department of Public and International Law will be defending the thesis "Controlled Foreign Companies and Tax Avoidance: International and Comparative Perspectives with Specific Reference to Polish Tax and Constitutional Law, EU Law and Tax Treaties” for the degree of Ph.D.
Seminar for veiledere i arbeidsrett.
For inviterte deltakere.
?rets julegl?gg p? SERI holdes mandag 19. desember klokken 15.00 p? Biblioteket, 4.etg. DN.
Hold av ettermiddagen, ta med en nisselue og godt hum?r, s? stiller vi med gl?gg, pepperkaker og litt f?rjulshygge.
PhD candidate Johann Ruben Leiss at the Department of Private Law will on Friday 9 December present his doctorate Project: "On the Construction of a Global Judicial System".
Temaet for ?rets konferanse er "Morgendagens personvern"
The expansion of international law and the accompanying 'proliferation' of international courts and tribunals raises questions on the application of coordinating principles between judicial institutions. This seminar will address the application and systemic relevance of jurisdictional and admissibility devices - such as res judicata, lis pendens and forum non-convenience - and principles of subsidiarity as means for the coordination of the 'global judicial system'.
Yong Zhou at Norwegian Centre for Human Rights will be defending the thesis: Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and Hydropower Development: Institutional Constraints on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Party-State China for the degree of Ph.D.
Yong Zhou ved Norsk senter for menneskerettigheter vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d:
Free Prior Informed Consent (FPIC) and Hydropower Development: Institutional Constraints on Indigenous Peoples’ Rights in the Party-State China
Spesifisering av rettsregler i praksis
– The Case Lilly v. Canada, on the Cumbersome Interface Between Trade, Intellectual Property and Human Rights
Presentation by Professor Daniel J. Gervais, Vanderbilt University.
Den nordiske konferansen i rettsinformatikk vil i ?r holdes i Stockholm.
Kommunal- og moderniseringsdepartementet la i v?r fram Nasjonal strategi for skytjenester. Skytjenester har de senere ?rene etabler seg som et viktig alternativ til tjenesteutsetting, b?de for infrastrukturtjenester, programvare og lagring av data. Dette gjelder ogs? tjenester rettet mot offentlig sektor.
Forskergruppen Selskaper, markeder, samfunn og milj? inviterer alle studenter som er interessert i selskapsrett, finansmarkedsrett og EU/E?S-rett til bes?k hos Oslo B?rs. Bes?ket inng?r i den ordin?re forelesningsrekken for valgfag i finansmarkedsrett (Jus5880).
Forskergruppen Selskaper, markeder, samfunn og milj? inviterer alle studenter som er interessert i selskapsrett, finansmarkedsrett og EU/E?S-rett til bes?k hos Finanstilsynet. Bes?ket inng?r i den ordin?re forelesningsrekken for valgfag i finansmarkedsrett (Jus5880).
Cybercrime: En historisk utvikling av datakriminalitet - fra 1976 til dagens cybersamfunn
Presentations by Professor Peukert, Goethe-Universit?t Frankfurt am Main, and Professor Rognstad, University of Oslo.
Arild Jansen, professor, hedersmann og sportsmann blir 70 ?r, og vi vil feire han med et bursdagsseminar.
Licensing of user content: who controls your digital works?
In the framework of the series of events
Freedom of expression and the "napalm-piken": Historical perspectives, the current state of play
Presentation by Professor Pascal Ancel, University of Luxembourg. Comments by Professor K?re Lilleholt, University of Oslo.
This is a lecture in the Department of Private Law's revitalized seminar series.
The seminar is open for all interested and will count as obligatory post-qualifying education (obligatorisk etterutdanning) for lawyers.