Tidligere arrangementer - Side 32
This workshop is organized by the research Group Markets, Innovation and Comptetition, The Research Group in Natural Resourches Law and the Sustainable Market Actors for Responsible Trade Project.
Forskergruppen har gleden av ? invitere til sommeravslutning med faglig innslag og hyggelig reke-lunsj.
By invitation only.
The theme of the fourth international workshop of Daughters of Themis: International Network of Female Business Scholars, is ‘Innovating Business Models for Sustainability’. Participants have been selected based on a highly competitive call for papers.
Presentation by Eléonore Maitre-Ekern, Department of Public and International Law.
Master of Laws Milos Novovic at the Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis; Licensing of User-Generated Content: How Online Platforms Exploit Users’ Copyrighted Works for the degree of Ph.D.
Milos Novovic ved Institutt for Privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d. Licensing of User-Generated Content: How Online Platforms Exploit Users’ Copyrighted Works
Milos Novovic ved Institutt for Privatrett avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: GDPR - how will it affect the business models of Google and facebook?
PhD candidate Astrid Iversen at the Department of Private Law will present her PhD project: "Parity of creditors and sovereign debt restructurings".
Velkommen til arbeidsrettslunsj og presentasjon av Prezioso Linjebygg-dommen (HR-2018-880A)
Welcome to this seminar, a part of our Competition Law Forum Series.
Presentation by Professor Eleanor M. Fox, New York University School of Law.
Presentation by Postdoctor Mark Taylor, Department of Private Law, University of Oslo
Hvordan vil digitalisering og nye arbeids- og tilknytningsformer p?virke fremtidens arbeidsliv i Norden?
Fafo har, i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med forskere fra flere nordiske land, startet et tverrvitenskapelig forskningsprosjekt om fremtidens arbeidsliv. Prosjektet skal blant annet omfatte en studie av behov, hindre og muligheter for utvikling av arbeidsrettslig regulering. Prosjektet er finansiert av Nordisk ministerr?d, og skal l?pe frem til 2020.
Presentasjon ved postdoktor Marianne Jenum Hotvedt.
?pent for alle.
The Workshop with roundtable discussion between academics, practitioners and non-governmental organisations, seeks to explore the interplay between international law, climate change law and national law in the Norwegian context.
Welcome to the Department of Private Laws seminar series.
Presentation by Professor Andreas Rahmatian, University of Glasgow.
The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration.
At this seminar the impact and implications of various aspects of intellectual property as property will be discussed.
Jon Bings minneseminar er en ?rlig begivenhet som arrangeres i tiden rundt Jons f?dselsdag.
Presentation by Professor Beate Sj?fjell, coordinator of the SMART Project
The Norwegian Ministry of Justice has requested Professor Giuditta Cordero-Moss, University of Oslo, to submit a proposal for a statute on choice of law rules for contractual and non-contractual obligations. This conference is organized to ensure that the proposal reflects state-of-the-art knowledge on the field at the international level.
Paal Berg-seminaret er Arbeidsrettsgruppens ?rlige v?rseminar. I ?r er temaet "Fundamenter i arbeidsrett".
Arrangementet er ?pent for alle, og det er ingen p?melding.
Presentation by Alfred Streng, Associate Professor at Molde University College
Presentation by Laura Burgers, PhD Candidate at the Centre for the study of European Contract Law, University of Amsterdam
She is visiting the University of Oslo until the end of July 2018.