Tidligere arrangementer - Side 28
Arrangementet er ?pent for alle og krever ingen p?melding. Det serveres kaffe og te. Velkommen!
Arbeidsrettsgruppen og Senter for europarett arrangerer et felles lunsjseminar.
The seminar is open for everyone, and there is no registration. Coffee and tea will be offered for attendants. See you there!
The topic of this year’s PhD seminar is "Business: Law, Policies and Theory".
Vitenskapelig assistent Ravna Kristina Nikkinen S?vde, Institutt for privatrett, presenterer sitt tema for masteravhandling.
Embassy of the Czech Republic in Oslo, Faculty of Law, University of Oslo and Norsk forening for internasjonal rett invites you to the legal seminar:
A Tribute to Professor Finn Seyersted in the light of the 55th anniversary of publishing his article "Objective International Personality of Intergovernmental Organizations".
Stipendiat Asbj?rn Korsbakken ved Senter for rettsinformatikk, Institutt for privatrett, presenterer sitt doktorgradsprosjekt "Digitalisering av bygningsretten - Begreper gjennom politikk, teknikk og praktikk".
- An Extended Case Study on Forest Management in the Oroqin Hunters? Autonomous Area.
Presentation by Yong Zhou
Velkommen til arbeidsrettslunsj med presentasjon av og diskusjon om masteravhandling. Benjamin Stokke Johnsen har v?rt vitenskapelig assistent tilknyttet Arbeidsrettsgruppen siden august. Han vil presentere sitt prosjekt, med arbeidstittelen ?Domstolenes pr?vingsintensitet i arbeidsrettslige styringsrettssaker?.
This symposium explores cutting-edge regulatory challenges with respect to managing cybersecurity and privacy-related issues arising from the deployment of ‘smart’ robotics. The symposium is held under the aegis of the research projects ‘Security in Internet Governance and Networks: Analysing the Law’ (SIGNAL) and ‘Vulnerability in the Robotic Society’ (VIROS).
Felles Symposium for SIGNAL og VIROS
Forel?pig program for VIROS/SIGNAL konferanse den 12.september 2019.
Security, AI and robotics
Vitenskapelig assistent Tonje Platou, Institutt for privatrett, presenterer sitt tema for masteravhandling.
PhD candidate Worku Gedefa Urgessa at the Department of Private Law will present his PhD project: "The Role of Intergovernmental Organisations (IGOs) in Ensuring Internet Security ".
PhD candidate Luca Tosoni at the Department of Private Law will present his PhD project: "Data Crimes: Regulating and Enforcing Cybersecurity through Criminal Law".
Senter for rettsinformatikk ?nsker velkommen til semesterets f?rste TKS! Arrangementet er ?pent for alle og krever ingen p?melding. Det serveres kaffe og te.
Master of Laws Linn Cecilie Anker-S?rensen at Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis The Multifaceted Corporate Group. Testing EU’s response to hidden control structures for the degree of Ph.D.
Master i rettsvitenskap Linn Cecilie Anker-S?rensen ved Institutt for Privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d: Det sammensatte konsernet - analyse av EUs svar p? skjulte kontroll-strukturer
Original tittel: The Multifaceted Corporate Group. Testing EU’s response to hidden control structures
Disputasen vil foreg? p? engelsk
Master i rettsvitenskap Linn Cecilie Anker-S?rensen ved Institutt for privatrett avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: Legal aspects of the use of proxy advisors
Welcome by Mads Anden?s and Birgitte Hagland.
Key note speaker: Professor Jan Dalhuisen.
Panel: Anne Botne (Head of Legal, Neptune Energy), Stephan Jervell, Wiersholm and Thomas K. Svensen, BAHR.
Chair: Amund B. T?rum, Schj?dt.
Veilederseminar for veiledere og studenter.
Ved leder for Selskapsrettsgruppen, professor Beate Sj?fjell.
?pent for alle.
Internt planleggingsm?te for Selskapsrettsgruppen.
Ved Beate Sj?fjell.
LL.M Kevin McGillivray at the Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis Government Cloud Procurement: Contracts, Data Protection, and the Quest for Compliance for the degree of Ph.D.
LL.M Kevin McGillivray ved Institutt for privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden Ph.d: Government Cloud Procurement: Contracts, Data Protection, and the Quest for Compliance
LL.M Kevin McGillivray ved Institutt for privatrett avholder pr?veforelesning over oppgitt emne: The role of choice of forum and choice of law clauses in cloud contracts by businesses, consumers and governments