Tidligere arrangementer - Side 11
En form for ID-svindel som har rammet mange nordmenn skjer ved at svindlerne ringer og utgir seg fra ? v?re fra banken, politiet e.l. Svindleren sier f.eks. at han skal hjelpe deg med ? avverge p?g?ende svindel, og trenger BankID-informasjonen din sporenstreks – ellers vil alle pengene dine v?re tapt! N?r svindelofferet oppgir BankID-informasjonen til det de tror er banken eller politiet, misbrukes den til ? overf?re penger ut av vedkommendes konto.
Devastating wildfires and floods are causing unprecedented harm to people and nature. Ice shelfs are melting and the Living Planet Report 2022 shows that wildlife populations have dropped with a devastating 69% on average in less than lifetime. Societies are becoming more unequal and populism is on the rise. Yet, for the most part, businesses, financial markets and policy-makers continue with a business-as-usual approach to all economic, social and commercial activities. This poses significant risks to our collective ways of life.
The workshop reflects on the meaning of solidarity in the context of free movement law. Maria Haag explores the shift in the Court of Justice’s jurisprudence in welfare solidarity from a social integration approach to an allegedly ‘neutral’ reliance on secondary rules. Niamh Nic Shuibhne asks whether precise legal obligations can be transposed to the free movement of persons from the more abstract principle of solidarity in EU law. Turning to free movement of goods, Alessandro Petti discusses the relationship between autonomy and solidarity on the basis of the EU Covid-19 vaccines purchase and export mechanism.
The workshop will discuss the development of granting an increasing number of administrative authorities independence, examine the place which these bodies occupy in the constitutional arrangement, and their legitimacy. It is arranged by BI Norwegian Business School, Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences and University of Oslo. It is a part of the research project Central Banks’ expanded role in financial markets, which is funded by Finansmarkedsfondet and managed by the Norwegian Research Council.
Peter Davis, LLM at the Department of Private Law will be defending the thesis Encryption’s ‘Going Dark’ Debate: The Rule of Law confronts the Laws of Mathematics for the degree of PhD.
LLM Peter Davis ved Institutt for privatrett vil forsvare sin avhandling for graden ph.d: Krypteringens ?Going Dark?-debatt: Rettsstatens lover stilt overfor matematikkens lover.
Original tittel: Encryption’s ‘Going Dark’ Debate. The Rule of Law confronts the Laws of Mathematics
Disputasen vil foreg? p? Engelsk.
Peter Davis, LLM at Department of Private Law will give a trial lecture on a prescribed topic, entitled; A critical analysis of the UK and the Norwegian approaches to address the 'Going Dark' issue in comparison with the EU, US and Australia.
Hvordan kan vi gj?re personvernet bedre?
Om Personvernkommisjonens innstilling ?Ditt personvern – v?rt felles ansvar. Tid for en personvernpolitikk?
The meeting is open to all members of Daughters of Themis – and we welcome new members: anyone identifying as a female business scholar, i.e. undertaking research concerning business, in any discipline or across disciplines, is welcome to apply for membership. We especially encourage scholars from low-income countries, of diverse backgrounds and in all levels of academia to apply.
European Law Lunch with professor Roman Petrov, National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, and professor Christophe Hillion, Centre for European Law.
Fremtidsfullmakten som alternativ til vergem?l - Kan selvbestemmelse og beskyttelse sikres gjennom synspunktene i en moderne personrett?
Forskergruppen marked, innovasjon og konkurranse ved Institutt for privatrett ?nsker velkommen til nok et halvdagsseminar om opphavsrettslige og konkurranserettslige sp?rsm?l.
?pent for alle interesserte. P?melding.
Et ?pent seminar om de rettslige problemstillingene Norges sanksjoner mot Russland reiser, med innlegg fra b?de privatpraktiserende advokater, offentlige akt?rer, og akademia.
Welcome to this lunch seminar with presentation by Susanne Oliver Haaland, Research assistant, Department of Private law, University of Oslo.
Open for all interested.
European Law Lunch with Alessandro Petti, postdoctoral fellow at the Department of Private Law, affiliated with the LEVEL project.
Velkommen til Arbeidsrettslunsj – denne gang med den nye hjemmekontorforskriften som tema.
Barnerettighetsdagen skal v?re en m?teplass for de som aktivt jobber med barn og unges rettigheter i hverdagen. Dette gjelder b?de akademikere, beslutningstagere og praktikere. Deltagerne p? barnerettighetsdagen skal f? et enda mer bevisst forhold til barnekonvensjonen, slik at de i sitt arbeid kan gj?re en forskjell for barn og unge.
Several on-going project at the University of Oslo will be presented and discussed at the seminar.
Welcome to our afternoon seminar with presentation by Nazli Azergun, PhD Candidate, Department of Anthropology, University of Virginia.
Open for all interested.
Velkommen til Arbeidsrettslunsj!
This is an event in the research programme on states and courts and the role and organization of state lawyers.
Welcome to the launch of the volume ‘Innovating Business for Sustainability: Regulatory Approaches in the Anthropocene’!
This digital book launch is open to all interested.
Welcome to this lunch seminar with presentation by Kirsten Daae Wiig, Research assistant, Department of Private law, University of Oslo.
Open for all interested. Please register your participation.
Special lecture for the PIL Masters students, by Astrid Iversen, Associate Professor in Law at Inland Norway University of Applied Sciences. Also open to other students and scholars.
Temaet for arbeidsrettslunsjen er H?yesteretts ferske avgj?relse i ?l?rervikar-saken?, HR-2022-2049-A.