Midlertidig vitenskapelige ansatte
Valgoppslutning: 61 av 352 personer i manntallet har stemt (17.33 %).
Representant i 2024:
- Magdalena Solarek-Gliniewicz
Vararepresentant i 2024:
- Arendse Wenzel M?ge
Valgoppslutning: 380 av 5684 personer i manntallet har stemt (6.69 %).
Representanter i 2024:
- Chi Huynh
Gabriella B?gle-Gonzalez
- Ludwig Friedric Gunther Hohenstaufhen
Vararepresentanter i 2024:
- Sofie Stubberud Aaslund
- Astrid Sophie Ulleland
- Rasmus Olsen
Now the election for new representatives from the groups students and temporary scientific has been concluded.
Temporary academic staff
Voter turnout: 61 out of 352 people in the population have voted (17.33%).
Representative 2024:
- Magdalena Solarek-Gliniewicz
Deputy 2024:
- Arendse Wenzel M?ge
Voter turnout: 380 out of 5,684 people in the population voted (6.69%).
Representatives 2024:
- Chi Huynh
Gabriella B?gle-Gonzalez
- Ludwig Friedric Gunther Hohenstaufhen
Deputies 2024:
- Sofie Stubberud Aaslund
- Astrid Sophie Ulleland
- Rasmus Olsen