Praktisk gjennomf?ring av undervisning, eksamen og evaluering ved Institutt for sosiologi og samfunnsgeografi (ISS)

Gjennomf?ring av et emne krever tett 澳门葡京手机版app下载 mellom emneansvarlig og studieadministrasjonen. Denne oversikten skal vise hvordan 澳门葡京手机版app下载et er ytterligere forankret i programr?dets virke og ledet av program- og undervisningsledere. (For English version - scroll down)


Emneansvarlig har overordnet faglig ansvar for utvikling og gjennomf?ring av et emne i henhold til gjeldende krav. Gjeldende krav defineres av programr?det, men ogs? av regelverket studieadministrasjonen forvalter.


Studieadministrasjonen har ansvar for forvaltning av regelverket som regulerer studiefeltet, og operasjonaliseringen av dette. De har ansvar for at det faglige arbeidet skjer i henhold til frister satt av UH-loven, Forskrift om studier og eksamen ved UiO, SVs ?rshjul, programr?dets bestemmelser.

Spesielt om frister

Merk at de fleste oppgaver nevnt under er underlagt frister. Dette for at studieadministrasjonen skal kunne overholde egne frister gitt av UiO, SV-fakultetet og andre 澳门葡京手机版app下载spartnere (biblioteket, Reprosentralen m.fl.) Studieadministrasjonen har til en hver tid ansvar for ? informere om frister i god tid.

Oversikten under viser til hovedmomenter og ansvarsfordeling for gjennomf?ring av et emne, men er ikke ment ? dekke alle punkter. De kommer lenger ned i oversikt, under rutinebeskrivelser.

Ansvarsfordeling for gjennomf?ring av emner




Emnebeskrivelse Utforme innhold. Saksbehandling i programr?det (PR)

Emneendringer (navn, vurderingsform, undervisningsstruktur)

Utformer innhold.

Saksbehandling i PR.

Saksbehandling overfor SV-fakultetet.

Utvikling av emne

Det kan s?kes om ekstra ressurser for ? utvikle nye pedagogiske opplegg. Ta kontakt med undervisningsleder.



Leverer komplett pensumsliste.

Saksbehandling i PR, bestilling, publisere p? nett.

Detaljert undervisningsplan

Setter opp undervisningsplan, publiserer p? nett.

Publiserer p? nett (etter avtale), oppdatering ved endringer.

Finne forelesere

Foresl?r forelesere, i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med undervisningsleder.

Kontakter forelesere ved behov, oppretter kontrakter og utbetalingsbilag/ordner frikj?p.

Finne seminarledere

Foresl?r seminarledere, i samr?d med undervisningsledere

Kontakter seminarledere ved behov, opprette kontrakter og utbetalingsbilag/ordner frikj?p.

Oppf?lging av seminarledere

F?lger opp seminarledere mht til faglig seminaropplegg.

Canvas er hovedl?ringsverk?ty for undervisning p? UiO Klargj?re sitt emne i Canvas, bli kjent med systemet via kurs, veiledninger og kollegaer. Legger inn administrative kunngj?ringer/beskjeder i Canvas. ISS har en administrativ superbruker for Canvas 

Oppf?lging av obligatorisk seminarkrav

Avgj?r om en student fyller oppm?tekrav der seminarleder er i tvil.

Leverer oppm?telister til seminarledere, registrere godkjent/ikke godkjent oblig.krav etter utfylte lister fra seminarledere. Tar imot og registrerer sykemeldinger.


Utformer innhold og oppf?lging.

Bist?r med praktisk gjennomf?ring av evalueringer overfor studenter og registrering av resultater.


Lager og kvalitetssikrer eksamenstekst.

Ordner med oversettelse til nynorsk/engelsk, oversender endelig tekst til fakultetet.

Digital eksamen (Inspera)

Lager og kvalitetssikrer eksamenstekst, tekst legges inn i Inspera (digitalt eksamensverkt?y), utf?rer digital sensur.

Ordner med oversettelse til nynorsk/engelsk, ansvar for eksamensgjennomf?ring i Inspera til sensur er publisert.


Lagre og kvalitetssikrer sensorveiledning.

Oversender sensorveiledning til sensorer, publiserer p? nettside etter sensur er publisert.

Sensurere i eget emne.

S? langt det er overkommelig.


Finne sensorer*

Foresl?r sensorer, i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med undervisningsleder.

Rekrutterer sensorer, oversender eksamenspapirer, lager kontrakter, publiserer sensur.

Tidslinje arbeidsflyt for eksamen ISS

*Innf?ring av én-sensorordning ved ISS fra v?r 2018. Se detaljer for gjennomf?ring av krysslesing under rutinebeskrivelser for eksamen.


  • Har overordnet ansvar for programmets oppbygning og kvalitet.

  • Leder programr?d og s?rger for at programr?dsvedtak iverksettes.

  • F?lger opp emneansvarlige sammen med studieadministrasjonen.

  • Godkjenner ekstern utdanning.

  • Leder opptakskomité for masteropptak.


Undervisningsleder har ansvar for

  • Fordeling av instituttets undervisningsressurser p? de disiplin?re og tverrfaglige studieprogrammene.

  • Fordeling av sensurressurser - i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med studieadministrasjonen - p? de disiplin?re og tverrfaglige studieprogrammer.

  • ? finne undervisningsvikar ved sykdom i 澳门葡京手机版app下载 med studieadministrasjonen og emneansvarlig.

  • At frister overholdes n?r det gjelder undervisnings- og eksamensplanlegging.


Programr?d behandler f?lgende saker

  • Pensum og emnebeskrivelser for emner som g?r neste semester.

  • Emneendringer som vurderingsform, emners navn og undervisningsstruktur, p? overordnet niv?.

  • For de disiplin?re programmene inkluderer dette ogs? et ansvar for anbefalte 40-grupper av emner som ikke er hentet fra egen disiplin.

  • Programr?d skal informeres om utf?rte emneevalueringer.

  • Drive utvikling av eksisterende studieprogram.

  • Vedtak som f?rer til vesentlig ?kt ressursbruk, skal klareres med ledelsen f?r vedtak fattes.

  • Videre detaljer for programr?dets virke.







Sensorveiledning SGO, HGO, UTV med maler:



Template SGO / HGO

Ta kontakt med studieadministrasjonen hvis du som emneansvarlig lurer p?.

Tool kit for digital undervisning p? ISS

Planning and organising teaching, examinations and evaluation at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography (ISS)

The organising of a course requires close cooperation between the course coordinator and study administration. This summary will show how this cooperation is further anchored in the work of the programme council and led by the Head of programme and Head of studies.

Course coordinator

The course coordinator has overall academic responsibility for the development and the organising of a course in accordance with the applicable requirements. The applicable requirements are defined by the programme council, as well as the regulations administered by the study administration.

Study administration

The study administration is responsible for administration of the regulations that regulate the field of study and the operationalisation of this. They are responsible for ensuring that the academic work takes place in accordance with the deadlines defined by the Universities and University Colleges ActRegulations governing studies and examinations at the University of OsloFaculty of Social Sciences' annual cycle and the Programme Council's regulations.

Deadlines in particular

Note that most of the tasks mentioned below are subject to deadlines. This is so the study administration can meet its own deadlines stipulated by UiO, the Faculty of Social Sciences and other partners (library, printing centre, etc.). The study administration is responsible at any given time to inform about deadlines well in advance.

The summary below illustrates the main elements and distribution of responsibility for the organising of a course, but it is not meant to include all aspects. They can be found further down in the summary, under the description of routines.

Distribution of responsibility for planning and organising courses


Course coordinator

Study administration

Course description Formulate the content. Administrative procedures within the programme council (PC)

Course changes (name, form of evaluation, teaching structure)

Formulate the content.

Administrative procedures within the PC.

Administrative procedures in relation to the Faculty of Social Sciences.

Development of a course

You can apply for extra resources to develop new pedagogical schemes. Contact the Head of studies.



Provide a complete reading list.

Administrative procedures in the PC, ordering, publication online.

Detailed teaching plan

Set up a teaching plan, publication online.

Publication online (by agreement), updates for changes.

Find lecturers

Propose lecturers in cooperation with the Head of studies.

Contact lecturers as required, prepare contracts and payment vouchers / arrange purchase of release time.

Find seminar tutors

Propose seminar tutors, in collaboration with Head of studies.

Contact seminar tutors as required, prepare contracts and payment vouchers / arrange purchase of release time.

Follow-up of seminar tutors

Follow up seminar tutors in accordance with the academic seminar programme.

Canvas is the main learning management system for education at the UiO Set up the course in Canvas, and get aquainted with Canvas through courses, manuals and colleagues Publish administrative messages in Canvas. ISS has one administrative super user for Canvas.

Follow-up of mandatory seminar requirements

Decide whether a student meets the attendance requirements when the seminar tutor is in doubt

Deliver attendance lists for seminar tutors, register approved / not approved mandatory requirements according to lists completed by the seminar tutors. Receive and register sick notes.


Formulate the content and follow-up.

Assist with the practical organising of evaluations in relation to the students and the registration of results.

Examination text

Design and quality assure the examination text.

Arrange for translation into Nynorsk/English and send the final text to the Faculty.

Digital examinations (Inspera)

Design and quality assure the examination text, enter the text into Inspera (digital examination tool), perform digital grading.

Arrange for translation into Nynorsk/English, responsibility for organising the examinations in Inspera until the grading has been published.

Examiner guidelines.

Design and quality assure the examiner guidelines.

Send the examiner guidelines to the examiners, publish guidelines when grades are published.

Grading one's own course.

Whenever possible.


Find examiners*

Propose examiners in cooperation with the Head of studies.

Recruit examiners, send the examination papers, prepare contracts, publish grading results.

Timeline for the work flow on exam

*A one examiner regime with 1.2 cross-marking of exams is introduced at the department Spring 2018 (further details).

Head of programme

  • Has overall responsibility for the structure and quality of the programme.

  • Directs the programme council and ensures that programme council resolutions are implemented.

  • Follow-up the course coordinators along with the study administration.
  • Approves external education.
  • Directs the admission committee for master's programme admissions.

Head of studies is responsible for

  • Allocation of the Department's teaching resources onto the disciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes of study.
  • Allocation of examiner resources – in cooperation with the study administration – for the disciplinary and interdisciplinary programmes of study.
  • Finding teaching substitutes in the event of illness in cooperation with the study administration and course coordinator

  • Ensuring that deadlines are met with regard to teaching and examination planning.

Programme council deals with the following matters

  • Syllabus and course descriptions for courses offered in the next semester.
  • Course changes, such as form of evaluation, name of the course and teaching structure at a general level.
  • For the disciplinary programmes, this also includes responsibility for the recommended 40-groups of courses that are not from the discipline itself.
  • The programme council shall be informed of the course evaluations made.
  • Driving the development of existing programmes of study.
  • New academic ideas for the study programme, which entail a significant increase in the use of resources, needs to be cleared with the management before it is implemented.
  • Further details of the work of the programme council.

Programme councils

The programme councils have been delegated the coordinating responsibility for the programmes of study at the Department of Sociology and Human Geography. The development and management of the programmes of study must, however, be based on close cooperation between the course providers and programme administration.

The Departments must be allowed to voice their opinion in connection with programme-related issues of a general academic policy nature. If the programme and course provider do not agree on rare occasions, the issue will in principle be passed on to the Faculty, represented by the Dean, who can decide in the matter.

The programme council is responsible for:

  • Ensuring that the programme plan is prepared in accordance with Section 3.3 of the Regulations.
  • Entering into agreements with providers of courses for the programme, which include clauses concerning what content the courses should have, when they should be offered, and how the courses should be dimensioned to ensure space for the programme's students.
  • Ensuring that the courses offered in the programme represent an academic whole and support the programme's objectives. For the disciplinary programmes, it is important to point out that this also includes responsibility for the recommended 40-groups of courses that are not taken from the discipline its self.
  • Ensuring that the students at the programme are looked after at any given time.
  • Quality assurance of the programme of study.
  • That the programme takes the internationalisation goals into account.
  • Guidelines related to the recognition of external education and exemption from courses in the programme. When courses are to provide grounds for admission to a Master's programme, consent must be obtained from the master's programme in question.
  • Guidelines for admission to the programme, for the master's and PhD programmes.

The councils are appointed by the Dean upon nomination by the Department board. Programme councils consist of 7-9 members, 1 of whom is a student representative. The councils normally meet 5-6 times each year.

Topics one would like addressed by the programme council shall be given to the student adviser for Human Geography or Sociology 10 days prior to the meeting (7 days prior to the meeting if the issue is not to be dealt with prior to submission). The meeting papers will normally be sent to members of the programme council one week prior to the meeting. There are often subsequent submissions.

Protocols from the meetings are distributed to all the employees and the students’ committees. The protocols are also published on the Department's website.

Descriptions of routines

Course coordinator

Planning for teaching




Template examiner guidelines HGO

Contact the study administration if there are questions.

Tool kit for digital teaching at ISS

Publisert 25. nov. 2016 13:34 - Sist endret 26. juli 2023 14:03