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In 2022, the EU allocated 25 million Euros to a fellowship scheme for Ukrainian researchers in exile. In 2024, there will be a new call for applications with deadline September 5th, and 10 million Euros for distribution. The scheme is only applicable to researchers and PhD candidates. The fellowships can last 6 months to 2 years. The fellowship scheme is managed by Scholars at Risk Europe and the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation. Over 400 applications were received in 2022, and the University of Oslo (UiO) was awarded two fellowships out of five applications.

MSCA4Ukraine Call in 2024

The application portal opens on August 5th, and the deadline for submissions is September 5th at 11:59 PM. UiO has an internal deadline of September 2nd because applications must be submitted centrally from UiO.

Who can apply?

The host institution (prospective host institution) must apply on behalf of the researcher (candidate). The host unit (the department) prepares the application documents together with the ukrainian researcher, and the institutional contact, Marit Egner, submits the applications in the portal.

Candidate eligibility

Applications can be submitted for researchers who meet the eligibility criteria for the program. See the full call for details.

  1. Eligible candidates were residing in Ukraine on February 24, 2022 (Ukrainians, stateless individuals, or those from other countries)
  2. Eligible candidates were/are PhD candidates or holders of a Doctorate
  3. The candidate must have sufficient English language skills to work abroad
  4. The same candidate or academic mentor cannot participate in multiple applications in this round. Academic mentors who received support for their candidates in the 2022 round may apply, but candidates who received support from MSCA4Ukraine in the 2022 round cannot apply.
  5. The institution can receive a maximum of 2 million euros in total for both application rounds. UiO has received approximately 0.5 million euros in the first round and can apply for more candidates in the second round.

What you can apply for?

Fellowships similar to regular MSCA fellowships for 6-24 months, including running costs and institutional support at fixed rates. The rates follow MSCA WP 2021-22, with some minor differences from the regular MSCA.

How to apply?

UiO will have its own MSCA4Ukraine nettskjema form to collect the necessary information for the application. All information must be filled in and all required attachments must be uploaded by the internal deadline of September 2nd, e.g. by a research adviser at the department/unit. Marit Egner will enter the information into the MSCA4Ukraine portal, as a single joint application from UiO is required.

More information about the MSCA4Ukraine program and application documents

MSCA4Ukraine will organize several applicant webinars in August.

Two MSCA4Ukraine candidates to UiO in the 2022 round

The University of Oslo received two fellowships in the First MSCA4Ukraine call for Ukrainian colleagues to work at UiO from 2023 to 2025. Read about the two candidates in Norwegian.

For questions relating to the UiO fellowships, contact the UiO SAR institutional contact person Marit Egner 


Emneord: scholars at risk, MSCA
Publisert 17. okt. 2022 16:13 - Sist endret 25. juli 2024 15:25