NORPART- Partnership program for Global Academic Cooperation (2023-2028)

HK-dir has now published the call for a new round of NORPART.

The purpose of NORPART is to contribute towards enhancing the quality of higher education in Norway and selected partner countries, through academic cooperation and mutual student mobility


The projects may be awarded up to NOK 6 million for projects partnerships up to-or 5 years, starting no later than 1 January 2024. Projects funded in former NORPART calls may apply, and will be assessed on the degree to which the application clearly demonstrates how the proposed project is innovative. Furthermore, they will be assessed on whether the proposed project provides added value and support the long-term impact related to the institutions’ ongoing efforts to enhance the quality of higher education


The applicant must be a Norwegian higher education institution and include at least one accredited higher education institution in a NORPART partner country. In addition, this call is also open for applications for partnerships with selected institutions in South Africa. A list of eligible countries and South African institutions can be found in Appendix 1 in the call.


Full degree master’s scholarships for students:

Projects may apply for full degree master’s scholarships for students from the partner institution. These scholarships should be earmarked for students without a former master?s degree and students from under represented or marginalised groups. The scholarships can also be offered to staff members at partner institutions who need or wants to improve their academic credentials. It is required that the selected candidates for these scholarships are documented students or staff at the partner institution.


  • Application deadline: 20 September,12:00 CEST. Grant decision is expected by the end of November.
  • Application portal, Espresso:;jsessionid=4976ADA70C722C75E19AFF6D175BC052?0  (register a new user if you don't already have one)
  • Applications must be written in English and the application must include: 1. Completed application form in Espresso 2. Letters of Commitment from all project partners. 3. A signed version of HK-dir’s declaration of participation. The declaration should be signed by the head of the Department.
  • Support: HK-dir offers application support up until the application deadline at

The NORPART team at UiO will support applicants, but will not be able to read and comment on complete drafts. All projects planning to include student mobility activities to- and from- UiO, must involve administrative colleagues that work with student mobility. For mobility at the PhD-level, the Faculty research administration should be involved.

For questions, please contact the NORPART-team at


More information

Please refer to HK-dir's webpage for more information.


NORPART resource web page at UiO: /for-ansatte/arbeidsstotte/sta/internasjonalisering/avtaler/norpart-partnerskap-med-utviklingsland/index.html Administrative resources when planning student mobilities and master scholarships: /english/for-employees/support/studies/international-cooperation/global/


Existing and former NORPART-projects at UiO: /english/about/global/countries/global-south/norpart/

Publisert 24. mai 2023 10:16 - Sist endret 17. aug. 2023 09:29