Career opportunities

A master's degree in Modern International and Transnational History will be attractive for both the public and private sector, especially for businesses and organizations that have an international outlook. The candidates will have a greater understanding of transnational processes and will be able to identify and work with the opportunities and challenges that often are unique when working across borders.

Former students at work

Where to find a job?

The 2023 UiO Graduate Survey has mapped where former students work and what type of jobs they have. This shows the results for graduates with a Master’s Degree in Modern International and Transnational Studies:

Main areas of work

  • Higher education/Research/Development
  • Public administration
  • Archive/Library/Museum 
  • Education and Schooling 

Key work tasks 

  • Research 
  • Administration/Case management 
  • Communication/Information 
  • Project management/Project work 

The results from the 2023 Graduate Survey also show that

  • four out of five graduates are satisfied with the educational programme they studied 
  • nine out of ten graduates are employed or taking a PhD after completing their master’s degree 
  • completed education is perceived as relevant already in the first job
  • work tasks have a clearer professional profile compared to graduates with a bachelor’s degree  
  • graduates score highly in academic skills; specialist expertise, theory, methodology, ethical reflection and critical thinking 
  • contact with working life during studies is perceived as useful or very useful 

Internship experiences

Start developing your career

You will spend the greater part of the third semester either on an internship abroad or on a history project, which contains the production of a research paper based on genuine on-spot archival research outside of Norway. You can also write your master's thesis in cooperation with an external partner. Through this you can get valuable contacts and network that can be useful when you apply for a job after graduation. You can also prepare for working life along the way by participating in career fairs, job search and interview workshops, and career counseling offered to students.

Enhance your degree with an interdisciplinary certificate

Gain unique interdisciplinary competencies for your degree, together with students from across UiO. The certificate provides students with knowledge and skills sought after in the job market. 

The honours certificates consists of 20 ECTS, which may be taken as a supplement to your program. It is available for all students enrolled in a master's or professional degree program.

Further studies

The University of Oslo offers Practical Pedagogical Education for Norwegian speaking students:

Read more about reserarch training at the Faculty of Humanities