Housing and land access as transnational struggles
Justice around housing and land access are widely spread issues across the globe. I’ve been following housing struggles and creative forms of collective organizing against indebtedness in Spain for the past decade as an activist with La PAH. I’m currently writing about the relationship between housing and transnational financial capitalism as well as the potential for social movements and organized collectives to find new forms of emancipatory democratic transformation through these struggles. Social anthropology has long documented many of these issues but the way in which they are reconfigured in different ways across the planet can bring new knowledge that enhances the power of transnational struggles. MA ethnographies are greatly situated to contribute to this literature.
Multimodal anthropology
Ethnography in the 21st century takes many shapes and forms. The ways in which we produce knowledge and what we do with it is also changing. I’m developing new research projects at the interfaces of socio-ecological knowledge co-creation, science and technology studies, and the potential of more-than-textual spaces for decolonial hermeneutics —such as EthnoData (https://www.ethnodata.org/), a platform I co-produced to build accessibility to data with the Center for Interdisciplinary Ethnography - Kaleidos at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador (a Center I co-founded). In these projects, I am interested in looking at the potential of multimodal anthropology to think differently about how we produce knowledge in ethnographic work. The research topics include land struggles, extractivism, and transnational forms of solidarity building. I’m also happy to supervise projects that are curious about new avenues for thinking about ethnographic modes of production in general.
Chronic pain & mental health
I have also conducted work on medical anthropology and would be interested in projects around chronic pain, mental health, and senior citizen’s approaches to retirement in the current age.