Norwegian version of this page

Programme structure

Everyone on this programme option, except for those working on an instrumentation project, must choose at least two of the following courses: FYS4610 - Magnetospheric Processes , FYS4620 - An Introduction to Plasma Physics and FYS4630 - Transport of Radiation in the Atmosphere . This requirement can be replaced with the UNIS courses AGF301 ("The upper polar atmosphere") and AGF304 ("Radar diagnostic of space plasma").

The course AGF331 ("Remote sensing og spectroscopy?) is also relevant to take if you are taking part of your studies at UNIS.

For general structure and requirements look at the program structure page.

It is possible to complete the programme part time. Please contact your supervisor and Department if you wish to do so.

Recognition of Master courses from former education

If you are admitted to the Masters Programme and you have completed Master courses outside the University of Oslo, you may apply to have these courses recognised as part of your degree. Please contact the Department of Physics for more information.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 5:05 PM