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Why choose this programme option?

Do you enjoy understanding the fundamental principles of nature? Want to learn more about quantum physics and how it can be utilised in tomorrow's technology? The programme option in quantum science and technology might be the right choice for you.

What is quantum science and quantum technology?

Quantum science is the collection of theories that describe how matter is structured and how fundamental particles such as atoms and electrons interact with each other.

Quantum technology utilises important principles in quantum science and material physics to create materials and technological components with new properties and possibilities. Within this field, we strive to understand and exploit fundamental quantum mechanical principles like entanglement and superposition in practical applications, such as quantum computers and quantum cryptography.

In this programme option, we therefore utilise the latest insights from quantum physics and the most exotic properties of materials as building blocks for new technology.

Great flexibility and access to Norway's most advanced laboratories

As a master's student in this programme option, you will be able to specialise in self-selected topics within quantum physics, and you will have access to Norway's most advanced laboratories in nanofabrication and semiconductor technology, as well as large-scale computers. You can pursue your own interests and specialise in for instance experimental quantum technology, or theoretical quantum science with numerical calculations for quantum phenomena.

Our researchers work on various topics and methods within quantum technology. Examples include defects in semiconductors, nanomaterials like nanoparticles and 2D materials, quantum dots in superfluid helium, superconducting materials, topological insulators, new exotic properties of quantum materials, and general quantum bit studies. We also develop general theory for quantum systems – you can work on protocols for quantum sensors and quantum cryptography, or develop algorithms for future quantum computers.

Master's project at the forefront of research

Your master's thesis will be at the forefront of research within the field and will be tailored to your academic interests. The project can be experimental, theoretical, or computation-oriented, or a combination of these. You will receive close academic supervision, and your results will be shared with industry and international academic communities.

You will steer the research project that constitutes your master's thesis and work in close dialogue with a supervisor. The research focus you choose will depend on your supervisor and may target areas like theoretical quantum physics, quantum materials, semiconductor physics, nanofabrication, quantum machine learning, quantum calculations and algorithms, or quantum cryptography.

In demand on the job market

Regardless of the direction you choose, you will gain skills and knowledge that are in demand on the job market. Many of our students acquire solid programming skills that they can take with them into their future careers. Quantum science and quantum technology are fields that will become increasingly important in society, leading to a growing need for employees with in-depth knowledge in this domain.

Study environment

A good study environment is important for your well-being with us. Quantum science and quantum technology are subjects that interest many researchers at the department and span across various fields. Our department is home to a diverse environment with several international students, and the distance between students and staff is short. You will become part of a stimulating student and academic community with others who share the same passion for quantum science, quantum materials, and quantum technology.

You will be integrated into the research environment of your supervisor and benefit from interaction with other master's students, PhD candidates, postdoctoral researchers, and scientists working in the same field. You will also become part of the social network within the section to which your supervisor belongs. We emphasize that all our students contribute to a good study environment by being present in their office and at their study space.

Most sections at the department will be able to offer relevant master's projects for this  programme option, but the most relevant ones with the largest selection of potential supervisors are the Semiconductor Physics section, CCSE, Theoretical Physics, High Energy Physics, and Condensed Matter Physics. New master's students will be introduced to all relevant academic communities shortly after starting.

Published June 28, 2024 10:42 AM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2024 2:10 PM