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Learning outcomes

In the programme option of Quantum Science and Quantum Technology, you will learn about the essential elements of quantum mechanics and how these fundamental properties of nature can be controlled and utilised in modern technology.

In this programme option, you will cover both basic and advanced topics related to quantum science and quantum technology. The programme option offers you many opportunities to choose the part of quantum science that you find most exciting through a wide range of courses and research projects. You can specialise in theoretical, numerical, or experimental directions.

Typical topics for the master's project

The programme option offers courses and master's projects where you can delve into the main directions of quantum technology: quantum materials, quantum communication and encryption, quantum sensors and quantum computing, or work more theoretically with quantum science. You can work on theoretical methods focused on quantum algorithms and quantum computers, experimental methods in quantum technology, write algorithms for quantum computers, use machines to "communicate with" quantum systems, nanofabrication in a cleanroom, and gain knowledge on how advanced materials can be designed for use in quantum technology.

Experimental master's project

A typical experimental project will teach you to use modern high-tech instruments to study complex quantum phenomena, develop quantum materials, and perform advanced data analysis. For example, you will cover basic and advanced topics in condensed matter physics and learn to handle materials physics at the nano, micro, and macro scales. You will also learn to analyse and interpret experimental data, distinguish between robust and unsustainable conclusions, and present results orally and in writing in an understandable manner.

Numerical or theoretical master's project

If you choose a theoretical project, you will be introduced to research that systematically uses theories and models to study physical problems. You will learn about the connection between theories and work on expanding them. Furthermore, you will also use them to make specific predictions of physical phenomena. Some calculations can be done analytically, while most problems require extensive use of programming and numerical calculation methods. Therefore, you will not only learn to create advanced mathematical models of the world around you, but you will also become a proficient programmer. This is increasingly in demand in today's society. You will also be able to work on theoretical frameworks for quantum encryption or developing algorithms for quantum computers.

Working on the master's thesis will teach you fundamental scientific working methods. You will learn to work independently on your own project and practice creating a clear, structured, and orderly written presentation.

You can find a common description of learning objectives and learning outcomes on the programme page for Learning outcomes.

Published June 28, 2024 10:42 AM - Last modified Sep. 2, 2024 2:11 PM