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Programme structure

Programme structure for students attending this study programme from fall 2018

Programme structure 2017

The Master’s programme in Nuclear and particle physics and cosmology, must include two of the following courses:
FYS-KJM5920 - Nuclear measurement techniques and instruments
FYS-KJM4480 - Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems
FYS4530 - Subatomic many-body theory II
FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics
FYS4560 - Elementary particle physics

For those writing a thesis in particle physics, it is recommended to take:
FYS4170 - Relativistic quantum field theory
FYS4550 - Experimental high energy physics
FYS4560 - Elementary particle physics

For those writing a thesis in nuclear physics, it is recommended to take:
FYS-KJM5920 – Nuclear measurement techniques and instruments (discontinued)
FYS-KJM4580 – Nuclear Technology (continued)
FYS-KJM4480 – Quantum mechanics for many-particle systems (discontinued) and
FYS4570 – Advanced Nuclear Structure.

For general structure and requirements look at the program structure page.

It is possible to complete the programme part time. Please contact your supervisor and department if you wish to do so.

Recognition of Master courses from former education

If you are admitted to the Masters Programme and you have completed Master courses outside the University of Oslo, you may apply to have these courses recognised as part of your degree. Please contact the Department of Physics for more information.

Published Nov. 17, 2015 1:57 PM - Last modified Feb. 7, 2020 4:58 PM