Norwegian version of this page

Why choose this programme option?

Are you concerned with how physics is communicated and taught in school and higher education or in society and the media? Would you like to find out what could motivate more students to choose physics? If you would like to study teaching, learning, motivation or physics communication, Didactic Physics would be the right choice.

Physics Education Research is a field located between the intersections of physics, pedagogy, psychology, philosophy and sociology. This programme option is concerned with what kind of teaching evokes motivation, understanding and learning, and what should be included in physics education for different groups of pupils and students.

As a master's degree student of Physics Education Research you may cooperate with professionals within physics, teachers, education researchers and didactic environments in other sciences.

Doing a master's thesis within Physics Education Research may involve observing how teaching in schools or in higher education is done, and thereafter gather and analyze data on the motivation and learning of the pupils/students. The data material might be solutions to exercises, oral discussions, questionnaires or interview data. Thesis within Physics Education Research may also be of a more theoretical nature, like analyses of how the teaching material or media address specific topics in physics.

Please note that a Master's degree with programme option Physics Education Research will not replace the requirement of practical pedagogical education (in Norwegian). This will have to be done in addition in order to secure a permanent teaching position in schools.

Study environment

The Section of Physics Education Research is a small, close knit group. Supervisors, ph.d. students and fellow master's students are located in the immediate vicinity, so getting assistance is easy. You are most welcome to visit, speak and join us!

Published May 23, 2017 12:49 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2024 2:59 PM