Programme structure

The Master's programme in Music, Communication and Technology (MCT) is a two year full-time study of 120 ECTS credits.

Please note! The programme is under revision with effect for students admitted autumn 2021 onwards. Revisions will be published in the beginning of December. 

The Master's curriculum offered by MCT follows this structure:

  • 60 credits compulsory courses
  • 30 credits elective courses (or a semester abroad)
  • 30 credits master’s thesis
4. sem MCT4090 - Master's thesis in Music, Communication and Technology

3. sem

MCT4023 - Physical-virtual communication and music 3 MCT4032 - Applied MCT Project 2 Elective course Elective course Elective course
2. sem MCT4022 - Physical-virtual communication and music 2 MCT4031 - Applied MCT Project 1 Elective course Elective course Elective course
1. sem MCT4021 - Physical-virtual communication and music 1 MCT4015 - Entrepreneurship for MCT MCT4010- Research methods, tools and issues in MCT MCT4000 - Introduction to Music, Communication and Technology
  15 ECTS credits 15 ECTS credits

For students taking a semester abroad:

4. sem  MCT4090 - Master's thesis in Music, Communication and Technology

3. sem

Semester abroad on student exchange
2. sem MCT4022 - Physical-virtual communication and music 2 MCT4031 - Applied MCT Project 1 Elective course Elective course Elective course
1. sem MCT4021 - Physical-virtual communication and music 1 MCT4015 - Entrepreneurship for MCT MCT4010- Research methods, tools and issues in MCT MCT4000 - Introduction to Music, Communication and Technology
  15 ECTS credits 15 ECTS credits

Information regarding signing up for courses and deadlines.

Compulsory courses (60 credits)                                                      

Elective courses (30 credits)

Candidates may apply for recognition of up to 30 ECTS credits taken in other subjects, when these can be seen as relevant for the Master's Thesis. If you wish to do so, please write an e-mail (half a page) with information about the courses and why you think they are relevant to the student advisor.  

All elective courses are also open to NTNU and UiO students not enrolled to the MCT programme. For more information on eligibility and enrollment procedure contact us. 

Master’s thesis (30 credits)



The diploma for MCT is issued by NTNU

Published Apr. 24, 2017 11:14 AM - Last modified Nov. 28, 2024 12:23 PM