Dispersionology and Other Tales

The MCT students invite you to a transcontinental Networked Music Performance in collaboration with Douglas Van Nort (CA).

Welcome to this semester’s second telematic event at IMV, hosted by the 1st year MCT master students.

For this event, the students will collaborate with renowned artist and scholar Douglas Van Nort, taking part in his transcontinental event entitled Dispersionology and Other Tales. The concert includes performers from all over the world (such as Sweden, Colombia, USA, Canada, and more) all connected and playing together in real-time over the network. 



In the world of physics, dispersion describes a phenomenon in which the rate of propagation of a wave in a medium, its phase velocity, is dependent on its frequency. This can be seen in light, sound, gravity waves, etc. Its a property of telecommunications signals, including the pulses of light in optical fibre cables, describing how the signal broadens and spreads out as it moves across the channel. Dispersion therefore is inherent in the medium that more-and-more binds us these days, in the movements of light pulses that transports our attention, and our listening, around the globe. A beautiful consequence of dispersion is a change in the angle of refraction of different frequencies, leading to a prismatic opening up of a full colour spectrum from incoming light. It occurred to me recently that I’ve engaged this medium now for 20 years, with an ear towards exploring the myriad ways that the shared real/virtual and nowhere/everywhere site of performance can act as both a point of convergence towards a singular locus of performative attention -- yet also a dispersive prism, reflecting individual voices and the preservation of creative agencies of every performer. I call this current exploration of this phenomenom, at this current milestone moment, “Dispersionology”….and I invite you all to explore this and other related tales with me on May 10th!


Date: Wednesday, May 10th

Time: 20:00

Location: IMV Salen

Stream link: Youtube

Published May 3, 2023 11:29 AM - Last modified May 10, 2023 5:02 PM