Programme structure

The programme option Mathematics for applications has specialisations in different mathematical research areas: Linear optimization and combinatorial matrix theory, Partial differential Equations, and Stochastic analysis.


Each specialisation has its recommended courses and course combinations, but there is always room for setting up other course combinations. The different courses within a specialisation are largely based on each other, so it is advisable to take more basic courses in the first semester. Selection of courses is done in consultion with your supervisor, see list of courses.

Mandatory course in the first semester:

Other relevant courses in the first semester:

Specialisation Linear optimization and combinatorial matrix theory

To start this specialisation you must have taken the course MAT3100 – Linear optimization.

In addition to MAT4500 – Topology, you choose at least two of the following courses:

In addition, it is natural with a special curriculum in graph theory, convexity or matrix theory.

Example of course of study:

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester Master's thesis/Elective course Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester Master's thesis/Elective course Special curriculum (Combinatorial matrix theory, Convergence, Graduation theory or Optimization) MAT4170 – Spline Methods
1. semester MAT4500 – Topology MAT4110 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis MAT4120 – Mathematical Optimization
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Specialisation Partial differential equations

To be able to write a Master's thesis within Partial Differential Equations, it is strongly recommended that you have previously taken MAT3360 – Introduction to Partial Differential Equations.

Mandatory courses in addition to MAT4500 – Topology:

Example of course of study:

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester MAT4315 – Partial differential equations and Sobolev spaces II (discontinued) Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester MAT4305 – Partial Differential Equations and Sobolev Spaces I Elective course Elective course
1. semester MAT4500 – Topology MAT4110 – Introduction to Numerical Analysis MAT4301 – Partial Differential Equations
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Specialisation Stochastic analysis

To be able to write a Master's thesis within Stochastic analysis, it is strongly recommended that you previously have previously taken

Mandatory courses, in addition to MAT4500 – Topology:

You are recommended to take MAT4410 – Advanced Linear Analysis in the first semester.

Example of course of study:

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester MAT4301 – Partial Differential Equations Elective course Master's thesis/Elective course
1. semester MAT4500 – Topology MAT4410 – Advanced Linear Analysis
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

Deadlines for master students at the Dept. of Mathematics

Published May 23, 2017 1:00 PM - Last modified Sep. 12, 2018 7:15 PM