Latest messages
(This text was translated from Norwegian using Google Translate.)
Would you like to participate in a study to test a new type of body-worn sensor? You will wear four sensors for a total of approx. 30 hours and will, among other things, spend a short time in a cool room and a warm room to test the temperature characteristics of the sensor. You will receive a gift certificate of 500,- for your participation.
Contact: Sisay M. Abie and Ole Elvebakk: and (send an email to both).
Take the opportunity to learn both about research and about sensors!
More information:
We invite you to participate in a research study that investigates the effect of tissue composition and temperature on local bioimpedance measurements. We are researchers in the bioimpedance group, which is part of the electronics section at the university. Our study aims to inform the evaluation of newly developed hyd...
Time: –
Auditorium 3
Dear 3rd semester KJEMI/MENA and 2nd semester Lektor.
In this last mandatory master seminar we shall talk about ethics in science and scientific integrity. We shall through examples learn about different types of scientific fraud and misconduct, learn about The Vancouver Rules, the Whistle-blower Act and what to do if you suspect foul play.
The upcoming department Felleskollokvium:
Time and place: 14th of November, at 12.00 ( to appr. 13.10), in Origo.
There will be an interesting presentation titled: When geosciences and physics meet to capture and store CO2 in the subsurface, by Prof. Fran?ois Renard, University of Oslo. The talk will be in English.
An abstract, a presentation of the speaker, and an "add to calendar" option (recommended), can be found on the following department website:
Kjemisk institutt inviterer alle kandidater som har fullf?rt eller skal fullf?re sin mastergrad i l?pet av v?rsemesteret 2024 til en seremoni for ? feire.
Program masterkreeringsseremoni
? Tale ved instituttleder Stian Svelle og utdanningsleder Anja Olafsen Sj?stad
? Presentasjon av kandidatene
? Kjemiinspirert musikalsk innslag
Etter kreeringen blir det musikalske toner, lett servering og en felles bildefotografering.
Sted: Kjemikantina, Kjemisk institutt.
Alle inviterte f?r en epost med lenke for p?melding.
Jindrich Kania working in research and development at Thermo Fischer Scientific will be giving a workshop on the topic:
Jindrich Kania working in research and development at Thermo Fischer Scientific will be giving a workshop on the topic:
"From student to professional job seeker".
Jindrich is passionate about sharing his experiences, and we greatly look forward to hearing about his advice on the transition from student to the "outside world".
Job seeker course
This course is designed to guide you through the hiring process and provide you with valuable tips and tricks.
- After completing your studies, what are your plans for the future?
- ...
You must use two-factor authentication (secure login) for Microsoft 365 (Word, OneDrive, Teams etc.) and Feide (Canvas, My Studies etc.) at UiO. Confirm your login with a mobile phone.
Read more about two-factor authentication at the UiO at, and access more guides from the same page. There may be two-factor authentication on other services later.
For MS365 applications, you will receive a push notification on your mobile when you are asked for two-factor authentication, and for the Feide login, a new button called Use work or school account will appear. Use that button when you log in to Canvas, My Studies, or other services with Feide, and you get the s...