Specialization and courses

Choosing courses

You may choose between three different specializations:

Course requirements

There are different requirements of core courses for short and long master's thesis. Core courses are the most fundamental and specialized courses for your programme:

  • For the long thesis (60 ECT), you must choose a minimum of 30 ECT core courses.
  • For the short thesis (30 ECT), you must choose a minimum of 45 ECT core courses. You write the master's thesis in your final semester.

One of the core courses is mandatory for all students second semester:

During the first semester, it is advisable to take core courses to ensure that you meet the minimum requirements. Once you have a supervisor, you choose the remaining master's courses together based on your academic interests and the topic of the thesis.

Core courses in the programme (30 ECTS credits)

Discontinued courses that were core courses until 2021

Specialization Health Information Systems in Developing Countries

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester IN5000 – Kvalitative forskningsmetoder Elective course Elective course
1. semester Elective course Elective course IN5320 – Development in platform ecosystems / Elective course

Recommended courses:

If you want to program in the Health management information system DHIS2, you must also take the course IN5320 – Development in platform ecosystems.

Specialization Large and Complex Information Systems

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester IN5000 – Kvalitative forskningsmetoder Elective course Elective course
1. semester Elective course Elective course Elective course

Recommended courses

Specialization Interaction Design

4. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
3. semester Master's thesis Master's thesis Master's thesis
2. semester IN5000 – Kvalitative forskningsmetoder Elective course Elective course
1. semester Elective course Elective course Elective course

Recommended courses

Published June 9, 2017 10:59 AM - Last modified Dec. 6, 2024 3:06 PM