
Foto: Jente med m?rkt h?r som har p? seg r?d faddert-skjorte. Hun har hendene samlet og smiler. Bakgrunnen er litt uklar. Det er andre studenter i bakgrunnen.

Start of studies for students at Ibesens Studies

, Seminar room 2, P. A. Munchs hus.

Dear New Master Student, Welcome to the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies and our Master's programme Ibsen Studies!

We will host a welcome lunch for all new Master`s students who start their studies at the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies. We will serve lunch food.

Events for all UiO students

, Universitetsplassen

Universitetet i Oslo ?nsker deg velkommen med en h?ytidelig markering av studiestart med taler, gjester og musikk. Seremonien markerer at du endelig er UiO-student!

, Frederikkeplassen

Vi ?pner Frederikketeltet og studiestartsuka med konsert mandag kveld!

, Frederikkeplassen

Syns du det er vanskelig ? st? opp om morgenen? Frokost er her for deg!

, Frederikkeplassen

Ikke g? glipp av at de to ledende revyforeningene ved Blindern barker sammen i en total uforutsigbar, men garantert morsom forestilling i Frederikketeltet.

Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies

For questions regarding courses and your specific study programme contact the Department of Linguistics and Scandinavian Studies. 

We are located in Henrik Wergelands house

Contact us here

The student information center

For general questions, please contact the student information at The Faculty of Humanities offers information on general administrative issues concerning your studies.

Go to the Student Information Center at The Faculty of Humanities. 

International student at UiO

Coming to study and live in a new country is a life changing experience, and we aim to help ensure that you receive a warm welcome and that your first weeks run as smoothly as possible.

See more information about settling and finding your way around UiO.