Do You Want to Improve Your Learning Environment?

We need your help to create a better learning environment at the Faculty of Medicine. Participate in our learning environment survey and provide us with your valuable feedback.

When: 18 November - 8 December 

Where: link in the e-mail you received 18 November

Time: The survey only takes 5-7 minutes to complete.

Why Participate?

You will help improve the study environment for yourself, your fellow students, and future students. Your feedback can help identify challenges in your learning environment so that we can work to address them! The survey is anonymous.

Participants will have the chance to enter a draw for universal gift cards worth 500 NOK. We will draw winners every other day during the survey period.

Want to learn more about the learning environment survey?

Published Nov. 18, 2024 3:23 PM - Last modified Nov. 18, 2024 3:23 PM