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Messages - Page 5

Published Jan. 9, 2024 12:20 PM

The eHSE courses for the spring of 2024 have now opened and you can register for the teaching and the final test. 

You need to be registered for the course and exam in Student Web to complete the online digital exam. You have to wait until the day after you register for the course to take the test to get a pass (night shift required).

HMS0507 - Fire Safety is the only HSE course that requires physical attendance and the requirements above apply for this course also. However, there are only a few days in January 2024 when the course is taught.

The HSE courses are mandatory in the master's programme in Geosciences and if you are completing you...

Published Dec. 1, 2023 1:41 PM


the master's contract for new master students starting in the autumn of 2023 is due today 1st December at 23:59. 

If you have already submitted the contract, you can ignore this message.

For any questions, please contact 

Student admin. 



Published Nov. 21, 2023 3:51 PM

The response rate is now at 54% for the master's program in Geosciences and we are stepping up our efforts. We will also draw two winners of a NOK 500 gift card (Universal Presentkort) from everyone in the master's program in Geosciences who has submitted a response to the survey this year.

When the survey closes, Nokut will carry out the draw and send us the names of the winners, whom we will contact.

Good luck!

Head of Education
and the Student Administration

Publisert 7. nov. 2023 11:29

Til deg som er andre- eller femte?rsstudent – n? kan du si din mening.

Alle andre- og femte?rsstudenter skal n? ha mottatt en personlig lenke til ? besvare Studiebarometeret.

Svarene brukes til ? gj?re UiO enda bedre. Innspill fra studentene v?re er avgj?rende for arbeidet med studiekvalitet og l?ringsmilj? ved UiO. Studiebarometeret handler b?de om akademisk utbytte, sosiale relasjoner, digital infrastruktur og et helhetlig l?ringsmilj?.

Fristen for ? svare p? unders?kelsen er 19.november.

Resultatene for hvert studieprogram offentliggj?res p?

Published Nov. 2, 2023 2:57 PM

Studiebarometeret (the annual national student survey) for 2023 was sent out to 3rd-semester master's students on the 24th of October with a personal invitation to answer. 

The questionnaire is important for us and we urge you all to help us increase the response rate! It means a lot for the Geoscience education at the University of Oslo, but also for us working at the Department of Geosciences, to find out where to get better and how we are compared to the other Norwegian universities.

As a carrot and stick motivation, the department will, together with the Head of Education, offer an award of 5000 kroner to The Geosciences Subject Committee (GFU) for social and immediate activities for the master's students if the master programme in Geosciences gets a minimum of 6...