Finishing the programme

Welcome to the final stages of your master's degree. From deadlines to thesis submission and diploma registration, we're here to guide you through each step. Let's ensure your academic journey ends on a high note.

  1. Deadline
  2. Format and cover
  3. Proposal for declaration of AI usage in assignments
  4. Preparation for the master's exam
  5. Submitting the master's thesis
  6. Optional to print your thesis
  7. Final examination
  8. Clearance form
  9. Diploma and the Diploma Registry

1. Deadline

Your individual thesis submission deadline is found in Studentweb under your active course, GEO5960 - Geosciences. Master Thesis

2. Format and cover

There are no formal requirements regarding the typography of your thesis, but focus on ease of reading. Avoid lines that are too long and fonts that are too small. Margins of about 2.5 centimetres and 12 point fonts are a good choice. 

When writing large documents, it can be helpful to use styles. Styles help with the layout of the document and form the basis for the automatic generation of a table of contents.

If sending you thesis for printing to the Graphic Centre, it must be in good printing condition. The thesis will be printed on both sides, so remember to add any 'backsides' by inserting blank sheets of paper. Read more about formatting large documents for printing.

See more information in section 6. 

3. Proposal for declaration of AI usage in assignments

If you have the opportunity, and desire, to use generative artificial intelligence (AI) in your assignment, its usage must be declared. Below is a suggestion for how this can be done:

4. Preparation for the master's exam

Before you are eligible for the master's exam, the following must be done:

  • Paid the semester fee for the semester you will have your final MSc exam and be registered for the current semester.
  • The master's contract has to be submitted and approved by the supervisor(s) and the Student Administration.
  • The theoretical curriculum (incl. HSE courses) has to be completed and passed.

5. Submitting the MSc thesis

Your thesis must be submitted in two separate ways before the deadline: Upload the thesis in StudentWeb and in Inspera.

If the thesis in not submitted to the deadline, the admission to the master's programme will be withdrawn without any further notice.

6. Optional to print your thesis

Please consider carefully whether you need printouts. The thesis will be available digitally after the master's examination and sent digitally to the assessors.

You can order prints (max. 5 copies) of the thesis by uploading them to the Graphic Centre. When you upload your thesis for printing, you must include the following codes: 

  • Location code (koststed): 15400000
  • Project code (delprosjektnummer): 102424048

    7. Final examination

    The master presentation and oral examination will usually be held physically in the Geology building, or in other buildings on Blindern depending where the research group is located. 

    There will be a public presentation of a maximum of 30 minutes, where the student presents the following subjects regarding their thesis:

    • The topic in question
    • The subject of the thesis
    • Method and theory
    • Results/conclusions
    • A discussion of the subject compared to prior research

    The supervisor will participate at the public hearing in addition to an external- and a internal assessor. They will either participate through personal appearance or through video conference.

    After the presentation there will be an oral examination/conversation between the candidate and the examiners.

    The presentation could, combined with the following examination, adjust the final grade of the thesis. The grade given will not be announced until the presentation is completed. 

    Time and place for the presentations will be set in cooperation with the supervisor, the examiners and the administration. Time and place will be announced by the Department of Geosciences, and will be open to an audience.

    Just after the examination, the candidate will receive the final grade of the master's thesis and an oral explanation of the overall grade. You can ask questions about the grading if you have any concerns. However, it will not be possible to request an apply for a justification afterward, as this is considered to have been provided when you are given the result.

    The deadline for appealing the grade is 3 weeks from the result has been registered in Studentweb. You may only appeal the grade set for the written master's thesis.

    8. Clearance form

    To receive your final Master of Science / MSc degree and diploma, you must submit a clearance form for your Master's programme. This form requires confirmation from various UiO staff that you have fulfilled all obligations to the university.

    The result of your Master's examination is typically registered immediately, and information about appeals and procedures is available on Studentweb until the deadline for appeals. However, your MSc degree and diploma will not be available until the complete clearance form is submitted.

    Before submitting the clearance form, it is important to review what to do with your research data.

    If you are residing abroad, please remember to submit the clearance form before leaving.

    Please note that you will not receive your degree after the examination until we receive the clearance form back, complete with all necessary signatures.

    Printed clearance form:

    9. Diploma and the Diploma Registry

    After you have submitted the complete clearance form and received your MSc degree, please be aware that it may take up to 8 weeks for your diploma to be issued. The processing time may vary depending on the season, with summer being a particularly busy period.

    It is important to note that physical diplomas are no longer issued. Instead, your obtained degree will be accessible through the Diploma Registry. The Diploma Registry allows you to collect and share your higher education results in Norway with potential employers, educational institutions, and other relevant recipients.

    To access your results in the Diploma Registry, you must have a Norwegian ID number registered in your student profile in the student system (FS). In case you do not have a Norwegian national identity number or D number, you can request a paper diploma. Additionally, if you have changed your name or obtained a new ID number, it is necessary to update your information in order to ensure accurate records.

    The use of the Diploma Registry is completely free of charge.

    If you require any assistance or have any questions regarding your digital diploma, please feel free to contact the MN Student Information Centre at Our team is available to provide guidance and support.

    Tags: Completing your studies, Diploma, Vitnem?l, Utklareringsskjema, Clearance form, Submitting thesis, Studentweb
    Published Sep. 18, 2013 1:51 PM - Last modified June 28, 2024 10:45 AM