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Learning outcomes

In choosing the programme option Chemistry Education and Communication, you will learn to communicate chemistry to a range of different audiences.

You will learn about chemistry as a school subject, both on its own and as an integrated part of the natural sciences, and you will learn about common assumptions about chemistry in society. You will develop in-depth understanding of how we learn and what can be done to improve the quality of learning and understanding in teaching and other contexts. You will also learn about different chemistry education research methods and you will gain experience in collecting and analyzing data on understanding, learning processes and attitudes.

As a master's degree student in chemistry education you will have the opportunity to specialize in one or more elements of chemistry education research at a master's level. You will also follow courses in educational research at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. Here you will assimilate central concepts and study literature and methods used in educational research in science education. Many master's thesis in chemistry education involve collaborating with chemists, teachers, and students, all of which provides invaluable experience in interdisciplinary work and communicating with different groups.

See also learning outcomes for all the programme options.

Published May 23, 2017 12:59 PM - Last modified Aug. 28, 2023 2:09 PM