Programme structure

The Master's programme in Development, Environment and Cultural Change (DECC) is a two year full-time study of 120 ECTS credits.

Course of study

4. semester Work on SUM4091 – Master's Thesis in Development, Environment and Cultural Change
3. semester Work on SUM4091 – Master's Thesis in Development, Environment and Cultural Change
2. semester

Students beginning august 2019: Elective course

Students beginning august 2020: SUM4300 – Text Lab 

Elective course Elective course
1. semester SUM4200 – Advanced Introduction to Development and Environment SUM4100 – Research Methods and Project Design
  10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits 10 ECTS credits

SUM4300 – Text Lab will be compulsory in the second semester for program students beginning from august 2020 and onwards. 

The Master's curriculum offered by DECC follows this structure:

Compulsory courses (30/40 credits)

Elective courses (10/5 credits)

The list is changed and updated annually in late November. 

Students starting the programme August 2020 and onwards: It is possible to apply for recognition of 10 ECTS taken in other subjects when these can be seen as relevant for the candidate’s Master's Thesis. Consult the Study Coordinator if you wish to do so.

To apply for approval of external courses, you must write a brief description that includes the following:

  • A brief description of the course content.
  • Why you wish to take this course.
  • How the course fits into the DECC master's program and complements what we offer.

The description should be short and concise – a maximum of half a page, and should include a link to the course website.

Please send the description to for evaluation. We will assess whether the course is relevant and academically appropriate for your program, and will contact you if we need further information. You will receive feedback on whether the course is approved or not, and if approved, we will provide further instructions for registration.

If you have any questions along the way, feel free to contact us at

Students who started the programme August 2019 or earlier: It is possible to apply for recognition of 20 ECTS taken in other subjects when these can be seen as relevant for the candidate’s Master's Thesis. Consult the Study Coordinator if you wish to do so. 

Masters thesis (60 credits)

Courses formerly included in the program

Teaching and learning methods

The teaching methods at the programme are based on lectures, seminars and workshops.

Forms of examination and assessments

Examination forms at the programme are mainly written, invigilated exams, take-home exams and term paper assignments. The evaluation of the thesis is based on an assessment of the written thesis and an oral examination, during which the students will have the opportunity to defend the thesis.

Diploma and degree

This programme leads to the following degree: Master of Philosophy in Development, Environment and Cultural Change.

Published June 6, 2012 10:00 AM - Last modified Jan. 17, 2025 2:53 PM