Start of studies

Welcome to the start of studies in week 33, August 12.- 16! Get an overview of what you need to do before you start the program and what UiO may offer you as a new student! 

Image may contain: Sky, Daytime, Plant, People in nature, Standing.

Photo: Jarli & Jordan/UiO

Events for students at CEMO

, Seminarrom 231, Helga Engs hus

Please join us at the welcome meeting for new master students in Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation!


Get to know your fellow students with summer games and BBQ!

, Helga Engs hus

Welcome to the UV day! Get to know the student unions and other committees at the Faculty of Educational Sciences. We promise you a good atmosphere and opportunities for you to also become an active student!

, Outside Helga Engs hus

Get to know the city and your fellow students by taking part in the Get to know Oslo competition.


Events for all UiO students

, Universitetsplassen

Universitetet i Oslo ?nsker deg velkommen med en h?ytidelig markering av studiestart med taler, gjester og musikk. Seremonien markerer at du endelig er UiO-student!

, Frederikkeplassen

Vi ?pner Frederikketeltet og studiestartsuka med konsert mandag kveld!

, Frederikkeplassen

Syns du det er vanskelig ? st? opp om morgenen? Frokost er her for deg!

, Frederikkeplassen

Ikke g? glipp av at de to ledende revyforeningene ved Blindern barker sammen i en total uforutsigbar, men garantert morsom forestilling i Frederikketeltet.


Events for International Students

The University of Oslo greets all new students with a traditional ceremony at the University Square

, Frederikkeplassen

Join in for a concert in the middle of the university campus!

, Zoom-meeting

At the digital Orientation Meeting we will provide you with important information about studying at UiO, student life at UiO and in Oslo, and how to register with the Police. 

, Frederikketeltet

The University of Oslo would like to welcome all new international students with a fun introduction to student life in Norway.