Speak up office
The Speak up office at the faculty you belong to will process most of the cases that are submitted to the Speak Up system for students. This applies tot he nine categories listed below. You can read more here to see the process step by step, and here you will find who is part of the office at your faculty.
Positive feedback on your study and learning environment
Conditions that should be improved in the learning environment, the teaching etc.
Unacceptable behavior you have experienced at UiO etc.
Sexual harassment or other unwanted sexual attention
Damage, accident or near accident you have experienced at UiO
Potential danger to health, safety and the environment at UiO
Corruption, theft or other financial crime
Other blameworthy conditions at UiO
Other conditions that should be improved at UiO
CERT - UiO's IT security group
If you submit a Speak Up case and tick the box for "Violation of the rules on the processing of personal data" the case will be sent to CERT. They are UiO's own IT security group that processes possible GDPR discrepancies. The case manager will contact you.
Research Ethics Commitee
If you submit a case and tick the box for "Violation of the rules of research ethics" the Secretary for the Research Ethics Commitee will receive your message. After a confirmation is sent to you, the case will be submitted to the Commitee for an initial assessment. The case will be processed in line with UiO guidelines
Suitability officer
If you submit a case and tick the box for "Concern regarding the suitability of a student (professional education)" the person responsible for suitability work at the program the student belong to receive your message. As of February 2024, UiO has 10 educations that are under subjetct to suitability assessment. Click on the links below to see how the ongoing and special suitability assessement process is, as well as who is in charge for each program (Norwegian only).
- Farmasi
- Klinisk ern?ring
- Medisin
- Odontologi og tannpleier
- Lektorprogrammet, praktisk pedagogisk utdanning (PPU) og spesialpedagogikk
- Psykologi
- Teologi
The Estate Department
Do you want to report errors in rooms, buildings or outdoor areas to the Estate Department? You can report throught their registration system here.