How to apply for exchange to UiO

Students must be nominated by their home institution in the UiO system before they can apply for exchange.

Application for exchange studies in 2024/2025 

The UiO nomination and application service is open for students starting their studies in Spring 2025.

The deadline for nominations and applications is 15 October.

About the nomination and application

Students who are nominated by their university will be sent an automatic email from the system upon nomination, with password and instructions on how to complete their application in the UiO application service 'S?knadsweb'.

Please note:

  • Students must be nominated online in our system before they can log on and do the application. Only then will the email arrive.
  • Questions about courses or other academic matters must be directed to the faculty to which you are nominated.
  • Only students with complete applications will be offered admission and receive the admission letter.

Courses and documents

Exchange students at the University of Oslo may take courses across faculties and departments, depending on their academic background. See the list of courses offered in English to find courses.

Nominated students must indicate which courses they wish to take in the application:

  • The intended courses must be listed in the application in S?knadsweb. The list is a preliminary indication and not the actual course registration for the exchange. 
  • In the application students may list more than three courses. Students may list courses at other faculties than the one they will be admitted to, but please note that there may be special restrictions for such courses.
  • It is the faculty you are nominated to, or to which you apply, which is in charge of processing your course wishes. Contact the faculty if you have questions.
  • All nominated students must upload their Transcript of Records (document which shows previous courses taken in your university) to complete their application. The faculty will use the documents when processing course choices, to facilitate the course registration when this opens in June/December.
  • The courses listed in the application are preliminary. Students will be able to register for more/other courses when the course registration opens in the beginning of December/June.

Please note: The University of Oslo, and the faculty to which the student has been admitted, will make effort to enroll students into the selected courses. Uploading the sufficient documents and indication the courses in the application will facilitate the course registration process.

However, the availability of all courses that are requested at the time of admission cannot be guaranteed. The enrollment can only be confirmed after arrival, and is dependent upon the timetabling of the courses and the number of places available in each course.

Questions about courses must be directed to the faculty to which you are nominated. See courses and documents for exchange students for faculty contact information and for further information about course selection and registration.

How to log in to the application service (S?knadsweb)

Use the link in the email sent to you after nomination to go to the online application service:

  • Log in with your username (registered email-address) and password. The password is sent in a separate email upon nomination.
  • If you did not receive the email with the password you may order a new password on the login page (do also check the spam filter).
  • The registered email address is your username. Please note that if you register a new email address after logging in, you must use this email address as username and order a new password to log in the next time.

Step 1 : My profile (contact information)

Choose International format and enter your correct postal address in your home country.

Please make sure to enter your complete home address (and not address of your university):

  • Address Line 1: Register your street address and house number correctly.
  • Postal Code - City: Enter both postal code / zip code AND name of city. Please also enter state/province if applicable.
  • Country: Choose your country from the list.
  • Mobile: Register mobile phone number with country code.

Click on "Save" to continue. You will then be directed to the application page.

Please note:

  • If it is not the first time you log in, you must go to the "My profile" section from the top menu.
  • If you change your email address on the My profile page, the address you register will become your username. You must use the email address which you registered the next time you log in, after ordering a new password to this username.

Step 2: My application

To complete the application you must choose/confirm the faculty and the level for your courses and list the courses you plan to take:

  • Choose faculty and level: Choose the correct faculty and level (bachelor or master) from the menu. The choices available will depend on which exchange agreement you are nominated on (some students will have only one choice, others will have several).
  • Enter list of courses: Write the courses you wish to take in order of preference in the box called "Extra Information" (at the bottom of the page). Example: "1. ENG0111, 2. ARK2120, 3. NORINT0110", etc..
  • PhD/Traineeship/Joint Degree: If you are a PhD-student, a traineeship student or Joint Degree student, please indicate this in writing in the text box (write "PhD/Research" or "traineeship/joint degree", etc.).

Please note:

  • If it is not the first time you log in you will find the "My application" section in the top menu. Click on "Change application" if you see the receipt page and not the application page (page with the box at the bottom).
  • We do not use application numbers for the applications (so it is normal that this is missing from the email receipt).
  • There is no final submit button in the application service. Saving the application means that it is submitted. You may however log in again and change it until the deadline (click on "Change application").

Step 3: Upload documents

All students must upload their Transcript of Records to complete their application.

When uploading the Transcript of Records you enter the name of the institution and the approximate date for when you started the education the document refers to, before clicking on the upload-button.

Please note: applications without documents will not be processed.

Documents for Erasmus+  and Nordplus/Nordlys students

  • Erasmus+ and Nordplus/Nordlys students only have to upload their Transcript(s) of Records in English (official document showing previous courses at university level).
  • Erasmus+ students DO NOT have to upload the Learning Agreement (LA) for studies with their online application, but may submit it to their host faculty upon the start of the semester.

Please note: It is the faculty you are admitted to which signs the Learning Agreement (LA/OLA). Your faculty/department will sign the agreement and return it to you upon request, or when you have completed your course registration and have been admitted to courses at UiO.

See list of responsible persons and correct email addresses for each faculty.

Documents for Bilateral students

  • Students nominated on bilateral agreements (and not coming through programmes like Erasmus+ or Nordplus/Nordlys), must upload their Transcript(s) of Records in English or a Scandinavian language (official document showing previous courses at university level).
  • Students who are not native speakers of English must upload a copy of an English test as described on the website English proficiency requirements for exchange students.
  • Bilateral students must upload a copy of the identification page of their passport (for visa/immigration purposes).
  • Bilateral students may also upload a Statement of purpose/letter of intent (a few lines or maximum one page about yourself, your academic interests and why you wish to study at UiO), if requested in the agreement in question.

How to upload documents

The first time you go through the application sequence, you come to the page called "Uploading documents" after choosing faculty/level and indicating course wishes as described above.

You upload documents by clicking on the grey button on the middle of the page (called "+ Upload new document" (under the headline "Submission deadline").

Transcripts may be uploaded as "Transcript of Records or Diploma" (in the menu Choose Document Type). Then you must indicate the name of institution and the approximate date for when you started the education the document refers to. Documents may also be uploaded as "Other" (without indicating name of institution and start date).

Please note: If it is not the first time you log in, you must go to the "My documents" section in the top menu (the 'step by step' process is only active the first time you log in).

If you have documents stored in the "My documents" folder from previous applications, you don't have to upload the same documents again. If you for example upload a new motivation letter or an English test, we will always check the date and consider the newest one.

Problems with uploading, or questions? See our guidelines for uploading documents


Applications should be completed online well before:

  • 1 May for studies starting in the autumn semester (August - December or August - June)
  • 15 October for studies starting in the spring semester (January - May or January - December)

Please note that you may log in again to change the application or upload more documents until the deadline.

Your application will have the status "Under consideration" until we have finalized the processing of all the applications (about one week after the deadline 1 May / 15 October).

Admission letter

Admission letters will be available for applicants who have complete applications about one week after the deadline (before mid May / late October). The admission letter is electronically approved and valid without a signature, and must be downloaded from S?knadsweb.

We do not send letters on paper.

All applications will have the status "Under consideration" until all the applications are processed, and students who have been granted admission will receive an email with information when the admission letters are published.

PhD candidates

S?knadsweb is not facilitated for PhD applicants. Please note that exchange students on the PhD level will not be given student status at the University of Oslo. Students on PhD level are treated as guest researchers and will not receive the regular admission letter. We kindly ask you to contact your host department for academic and practical follow up.

Housing and start of the semester

The application deadline for student housing is 1 June for the autumn semester and 1 November for the spring semester. See website about student housing for exchange students.

Please see New international students and plan your arrival for important information about preparing for your exchange and the start of the semester.

If you have questions, please contact the International Student Reception which supports incoming exchange students coming to UiO.

Questions about the application process

If you have problems with S?knadsweb, or other questions about the application process, you may contact the Educational Quality Office at

Students who decide to cancel their exchange at UiO should let us know by sending an email to

Published Mar. 24, 2021 9:44 AM - Last modified Sep. 30, 2024 8:26 AM