Please read the following important information before you sign up
1) We will NOT provide skiing equipment. You MUST rent/buy/borrow cross-country skis before the start of the practice weekend. For detailed information about the course, including where you can rent or buy skis, please see OSI Langrenn's page.
2) It is not possible to change groups once both are full. If you still need to change, you must ask another student or sign up for the waiting list.
Mandatory theory course Monday 27 January 18:15 - 19:00 at Georg Sverdrups hus Auditorium 1 or Zoom
The skiing course starts with a theory course. We will explain basic techniques and the art of skiing. You may attend the theory course even if you are on the waiting list.
You can find the presentation from the theory course here.
The practice will most likely take place in the Sognsvann area, and you will meet at Sognsvann metro station. Please note however that the location may change depending on skiing conditions. If location changes we will notify you by email.
You will find more information about what the practice involves on OSI Langrenn's page.
There are two different groups to choose from(same level, but different days). You can only sign up for one of the groups!
Group 1: Practice 28 and 29 January 19:00-21:00
Group 2: Practice 4 and 5 February 19:00-21:00
Participation is free, however everyone has to provide their own skiing equipment (skis, ski boots and ski poles), appropriate clothes and bring their own food and drink (if needed).
Do you have any questions?
- For questions on how to sign up/register, contact special-events[a] from your UiO e-mail.
- For questions about the content of the course, contact ski-styret[a]
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