A Scalpella- Mixed choir for medical, dentist and nutritionist students in Oslo.
Bi?rnebl?s Student-OrchestraBi?rnebl?s is the Student-Orchestra at the University of Oslo, Campus Blindern.
Blindern JazzclubAssociation for those interested in jazz at UiO.
Chorus MixtusThe Law Faculty?s Mixed Choir
Corpsus JurisThe Law Facultys's student band. We play together, travel and try to entertain (ourselves and others, mostly in that order) as much as possible.
Dancing DoctorsDancing group for students of medicine, odontology and nutrition.
Det Medicinske S?sterskabThe purpose of the Medical Sisterhood is to promote the joy of singing and sisterhood among female students at the Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry.
Homemade Music SocietyA low-bar place where people can show themselves and share homemade music, covers or mixtapes. We also have jams where we either play specific tunes or improvise freely! Target group: music lovers
IMV-RevyenThe IMV-Revue is The institution of Musicalogy`s revue student union. We practice in the fall/winter and we put up the revue in the spring. The student union is open for all students at UiO
Kling KokosKling Kokos, Department of Psychologys' student choir at the University of Oslo. Founded 2007.
Kor i GranskauenThe association's purpose is to provide an untraditional, rhythmically focused and social choir for young adults and students in Oslo.
MedicinerrevyenTraditional revue produced and arranged by students at the Faculty of Medicine, Nutrition and Odontology at the University of Oslo.
Medicinsk Paradeorch?sterNorway's oldest academic student orchestra
Oslo Medical Girls' ChoirChoir for female students studying either at the Faculty of Medicine or the Faculty of Dentistry at UiO
Oslo students Musical theatre associationOslostudentenes musikalforening is a young association with big ambitions! Together we want to celebrate music as an art form; Both by observation and practice.
RF-RegiStudent association for everyone interested in DJ-ing or rigging and managing concerts, dance floors, school plays and everything else that involves audio, lighting and stage.
SangvinerneMale voice choir at The Faculty of Medicine
Schola CantorumA chamber choir primarily for music students.
STRYK Orchestra of StudentsStudentorchestra for people that play violin, viola, cello or bass on a hobby basis. Our members are amature string players below the age of 30.
The Norwegian Student Choral SocietyThe University of Oslo's official male voices choir
The Women's Choral Society of The University of OsloThe official female choir of the University of Oslo, founded in 1895.
Ursi CanentesWe are a mixed choir, and we sing most things, from drinking songs to pop songs to songs from games and movies.
UV-RevyenTo sing, dance, play, put on a show and HAVE SOME FUN!
Yo mama theatre groupNorwegian speaking theatre group.
Music and performing arts
Published Apr. 4, 2012 12:36 PM
- Last modified May 29, 2017 9:39 AM