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Suspended user accounts or notification of suspension

I have been notified that my user account is being suspended

If you have a user account at UiO and has lost your affiliation, you will automatically receive an e-mail that says your account will be suspended. If this happens, please make sure that you have saved all your e-mails and documents you want to keep. Make sure that it is stored somewhere else than at UiO. 

The account should not be suspended

If you are still affiliated with UiO and your user account should not be suspended, please contact UiO immediately.

Contact points:

  • If you are an active student, contact the student officer where you last studied or are still studying.
  • If you are an employee, contact your immediate supervisor / former supervisor.
  • If you are affiliated with UiO in any other way, contact your UiO contact person.

The contact points must be made aware that your account has not been correctly registered and that this has to be corrected in either FS (students), SAP (employees) or through current procedures for associated users/guests.

Once you have been registered correctly your user account will not be suspended. If your account was already suspended, it will be automatically opened again. 

Your account will not be suspended as long as your account is registered with the correct information and you still are affiliated with UiO.

What happens now?

  • Your account will be suspended one month after you have been warned. This means that you can no longer log in and access documents, e-mails etc. You also lose your Feide and eduroam access, unless you also have access from other institutions. You must secure your data before you lose your access to feide.
  • One month after the account has been suspended (two months after first warning), the account will be shut down. This means that the account will be removed from all IT systems. You must get data from the account before the account is shut down.
Published July 5, 2018 11:05 AM - Last modified Jan. 15, 2024 10:28 AM