Forgotten username

If you have forgotten your username to the UiO IT services,  you can go to the Forgotten username service to retrieve it.

To retrieve your username(s) at the UiO:
1. Go to the Forgotten User Name service in Brukerinfo.
2. Fill in Student ID number OR Norwegian National ID (11 digits).
3. Click Get usernames, and a list of your usernames is shown. You can also see whether the users are active or blocked. If you earlier have selected not to be shown in the UiO catalogue, you get your user names sent by SMS.
Note that you have to have the opportunity to opt out from being published on the University's website, for example in person search. This is done in StudentWeb or at your local personnel department. If you are have selected not to be shown, you can still use the service and you will get your username(s) in a text message. Note that your mobile number must be registered in StudentWeb or UiO employee system (HR-portalen).
Published Feb. 24, 2015 1:43 PM - Last modified May 15, 2017 11:12 AM